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Just Wanted To Let Others Know About My Website

1 2020-03-30 17:47

I just created a website at https://bliksemlight.web.fc2.com/, and I want to know if you think it's interesting.

2 2020-03-31 02:22 *

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I porn-surfed, weak and weary,
For many a quaint and curious website of X-rated lore,
Found the server nearly napping, http replies a-slacking,
Though my loins were filled with burning, yearning for a teenage whore,
And as I paused awhile in hope that service be restored -
Quoth the server, "404."

3 2020-03-31 10:28

What was on this website? Have you deleted it?

4 2020-03-31 14:14 *

It's still there, you need to remove the comma from its end.

5 2020-03-31 15:05

https://bliksemlight.web.fc2.com/ (in case someone is dumb as I am)

It's a very cute little websight. It's what the Internet was at the beginning. Just give me the URL of your homepage, I won't join Facebook to read what you have to say!

Unix shell providers are a good alternative to free web hosting. There are many of them. https://sdf.org/ is operating since 1987 and isn't going anywhere. You can host web pages but you also get a shell and Unix tools, if you ever need scripting and CGI. (just search for free shell accounts)

- There's this thread to reach you now :)
- Also you could add a memecoin address for tipping?

6 2020-04-01 03:33 *

Your links to http://wiby.me and http://ecosia.org are not working.

7 2020-04-06 17:15

I fixed the links to Wiby and Ecosia.

8 2020-05-23 13:15

Lovely website. You might feel more comfortable with nostalgic webhosts like neocities.org and vistaserv.net. Or if you consider yourself social and tech-savvy enough, you could join a pubnix like SDF as >>5 said or a member server of tildeverse.org.

I used to have a website on SDF with CGI written in ISLisp (instead of trendy Perl) but it was less popular than my gopherhole.

9 2020-05-23 21:56

Some other good free shells:
https://freeshell.de/ - you only need to send a postcard to Germany, irc is allowed
http://www.polarhome.com/ - lots of OSes to choose from: HPUX, AIX, GNU Hurd, OpenBSD, NetBSD, FreeBSD, Solaris, Minix, UnixWare, Solaris, QNX, Irix, Tru64, OpenVMS, Ultrix, OSX, ...



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