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83 2024-06-13 16:53

It is obvious that atheists think that the world is much older than it really is, because that would make the spontaneous creation of life from non-life more likely. The world is not some 13B years old, but was created with an inherent age, just like the animals were created by God not as egg cells, but as complete organisms that one could not tell were just created. In the beginning, before the great flood of Noah, God had separated the waters from the waters, and the world was protected by a layer of water that blocked much cosmic radiation. This led to the C-14 levels being a lot lower than today, which makes anything dated to before the flood seem older than it is. Anyway, life can not be created from non-life as it not only needs all the right molecules for a cell, molecules that are difficult to create even synthetically, such as DNA, but also need them in very high concentration to make it possible to form a somewhat cell-looking structure out of them.



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