I once visited Gerry Sussman in his office, he was very busy preparing for a class and I was surprised to see that he was preparing his slides on oldschool overhead projector transparencies. “It’s because I hate computers” he said, and complained about how he could design a computer from top to bottom and all its operating system components but found any program that wasn’t emacs or a terminal frustrating and difficult and unintuitive to use (picking up and dropping his mouse to dramatic effect).
I'd like to see Sussman's blueprints for his ideal physical computing machine.
It sounds like he would hate any computer, even one that he designed.
What else should we expect from the pedantic ivory tower perfectionists that are associated with the Scheme programming language? Scheme, despite its purported perfections, remains a research/toy programming language that is ignored by industry.
I wonder what operating system Gerald Jay Sussman uses on a daily basis. Hopefully not Microshit Windows.
He's probably using a Mac, like anyone else.
So that's the REAL reason he hates computers*!*
He uses the GNU OS, probably with Linux as the kernel. He is one of the board members of the FSF and has been for decades.