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Digital conservation

1 2023-02-25 23:18

Sometimes when I edit a sentence and change words, I'll spot a letter or string, sometimes even short phrases, that can be fit into the new sentence, and instead of deleting the whole thing, I'll selectively delete only the part that needs to be changed. An easy example is leaving the "s" of a plural in place but changing the noun. Grabbing the mouse and highlighting takes more time than simply hitting backspace a few times, so it can't be a laziness thing.

Maybe I fear that my keyboard will run out of letters it can create. Oddly enough, I treat my browser as an infinite tab generator and throw them out with no qualms.

2 2023-02-26 17:17

sir take your burger and leave
this is a wendy's

3 2023-09-29 20:48

>>2 Do you realize that this is so cultural that more then half of the world will understand?
I vaguely remember that Wendy's is some American franchise that sales drinks and/or food, nothing more then that.
You Americans are always thinking that the others will always understand you, speak English and so on, you never make any effort for the outside world, do you even realize that the outside world might read you when you are writing on internet? I don't think so, you lazy fat American jerk.
If only Vladimir Vladimirovitch Putin would wipe out the USA with nuclear weapon, the world would really be better.

4 2023-09-29 20:56

Word. I'm rooting for Russia if only to see those billions of american dollars spent on military equipment vanish and the american state crumble under the weight of it's own massive debt.



do not edit these