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Can 2023 be the year of the Linux desktop?

14 2023-01-15 21:42

younger generation is more communist than in the past and linux/FOSS is communist.
However you should keep in mind many use linux and dont even know it... ie: Android.
I feel the next generation of normies will be more willing to adopt linux desktop operating systems as they maybe encouraged at a younger age to use them... I personally had to discover and put up with linux operating systems on my own... but my children will be growing up with linux operating systems, and I bet they would propagandize their peers to join the cult.
There will be no windows OS in my household. My wife uses a mac which is the only acceptable proprietary trash that will be allowed under my roof.
So maybe not quite 2023, but you'll see gradual increase in market share of the linux desktop over time.



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