- "retarded";
- "boomer" (when not speaking of actual boomers, as zoomers missing so much culture are seeing all non-zoomers as boomers);
- "cringe";
- "based";
- $a_search_engine_name_from_a_very_big_tech_company_that_should_be_ignored (especially when considered as *the* search engine that everyone uses not even bothering of other search engines);
- any racist or antisemitic non-sense (you can be racist or semanticist, I don't bother, but repeating stupid stuffs because those ideologies, those really bother me).
>>3 I think I'm guilty of one of those things.
>>10 That I'm certainly guilty of. My heart have been rendered black by humanity.
>>15 a french author wrote a book with only words not containing the letter "e" (I forgot who, it was at least 25 years ago).