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Amount of bots on 4chan

5 2022-07-26 12:29

In /pol/ narrative "The Jews" control everything and have unlimited
funds. So why don't they buy 4chan or Stormfront?
More interesting:
What prevents leftists/redditors/twitter/etc crowdfunding like 3-4 Million$
and buying 4chan(instead of e.g. crowdfunding a shitty video game).
4chan is not very profitable according to Hiroyuki(which i suspect
is because of adblockers being by everyone here).
Some possibilities:
1.4chan is some sort of data collection system by TLA
2.4chan is foreign owned with Hiroyuki acting as owner.
3.4chan is psyops to target 4channers with bots as mentioned above.
4.4chan serves as some public opinion polling system that
government uses to get critical information on extremists.



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