[ prog / sol / mona ]



1 2022-07-23 21:46

In the event that the economy destabilizes, would owning bitcoin be of any actual value, or will there be more important things to worry about, i.e. bread and riots?

2 2022-07-24 13:56

How are you going to make any transactions using Bitcoin when you cannot access the internet?

If the power grid collapses and many computing devices are destroyed, you won't be able to spend your Bitcoins.

Hold things of true value such knowledge, farm land, food reserves, food production machinery, raw materials for building machines, etc. Minimize your holdings of resources whose value only depends on others believing that it has value.

3 2022-07-24 14:14

The most valuable things would be land to grow your food and water to keep everything hydrated. Next to that would be some means to prevent the smoother brained neighbors from looting you of what you've prepared beforehand.

4 2022-07-24 17:38

These are Europoid answers.

The Mammal answer is buy weapons, ammo, to constantly train, and effectively become a mafia unto yourself and family, now. If you can protect yourself and others, everything material will flock to you through gravitas and potestas. Think like you're in a Revolutionary arc, because you are.

If you want to understand where this is all going, go read Sima Qian's Records of the Grand Historian concerning the Three Kigdoms period or Luo Guanzhong's Romance of the Three Kingdoms. The best the Mammal in this period can reasonably expect is to follow a Sulla, Cao Cao, Cromwell, or Napoleon through an ultimately terminal glory.

The Noble answer is to escape Samsara now while the path and maps are still incidentally legible; to abandon this whole mass of misunderstanding, including the global simplification coming. This thing we can Reality is ultimately analogous, not algebraic; continuous, not discrete. Truth alone, not violence, will save from the fruits of misunderstanding, superfluity, and anormality.



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