[ prog / sol / mona ]



1 2022-07-09 20:54

two of the best minds i know and trust are diametrically opposed on the subject of abortion. on one hand we have "leave women the fuck alone!" and the concepts of liberty, self ownership, self rulership, ok, sure. I was with this for a second, because I figured there should only be a cultural mandate as to whether this sort of thing was proper or not.

then, on the other hand, among the wisest people I know and trust to be of excellent and sound mind said that the concept is that these are tiny little individual babies and it's not ok to kill them because they are people and deserve protective right against murder. This was from some one who is no turkey.

2 2022-07-10 01:36

From a legal position, the pater familias alone has the right of life and death over his gens with no gainsaying. The State has no business interfering in the affairs of the family. If the family disagrees with the decision of one of its women to abort or to expose their infant, it is their affair to handle in their own manner. Progeny are continuities of life of the begetters and if the begetters don't consent to the continuance of the begotten, I don't think there's necessarily any inherent "right" for the begotten to continue to exist. Wolves cull themselves, man.

On the other hand, acting in such a fashion (read: killing of any kind) continues to play the game and allows the decline of the being to non-human realms. If any individual aspires higher than the mixed kamma of humans, one shouldn't engage in killing, or getting others to kill for you.

3 2022-07-10 07:53


on one hand we have "leave women the fuck alone!" and the concepts of liberty, self ownership, self rulership

This is just a fancy way of saying ``I want to take no responsibility for my own actions''. Sex is inherently an act of reproduction, and the end goal of it is to give birth to offspring. Feeling good is just a byproduct, to incite people to procreate. Failing to realize that fact doesn't mean that you can just hand wave the responsibility away for the life you created in the process.

If a woman is in favor of abortion, in my opinion she should be castrated (have both of her ovaries surgically removed). Now she can have all the sex she wants, without having to worry about pregnancy. A woman willing to kill her own unborn child on a whim does not deserve motherhood, ever. You cannot have your cake, and eat it too.

And if you are still going to have willy-nilly abortion laws, at least make it even. Why should it be only the woman that decides about the death of a child that has two parents? As a father, you should have the same right to abort the child. Your body? My kid. And no, just being absolved of paying child support or whatever is not equivalent. I don't want that kid to exist. Kill it. The fact that this position outrages people is just a sign of extremely feminized society.

When I speak of abortion above, I mean abortion due to pregnancy that was not the result of rape (real rape, not ``I changed my mind day after'' ``rape''), and did not put the mother's life in danger. In the former case, it was not the woman's decision to have sex and get pregnant, therefore it's fair to abort the fetus. Not only because of psychological burden of carrying the child of the assailant for 9 months, but also because the child would have a much harder time in life. In the latter case, because it's not that common for pregnancy to be life-threatening, and therefore it's abnormal to the process. I would put babies with significant physical/mental defects in the same basket, as it's also something one might not be prepared for (abnormal condition), and furthermore it places significantly higher strain financially on the parents.
That's a very naive and idealistic point of view. In reality, as long as you live within the borders of a country, you are owned by its government, and subject to whatever laws they lay out.

4 2022-07-10 11:12

That's a very naive and idealistic point of view. In reality, as long as you live within the borders of a country, you are owned by its government, and subject to whatever laws they lay out.

Not really. I pay taxes, but I do what I want. If I felt the need to terminate the life of a dependent, I'd still do it, regardless of what temporal penalties exist. The State doesn't own me.

5 2022-07-10 12:25


thinks a policy of double-Oophorectomy is feasible
thinks people come from government rather than government from people
calls others naive and idealistic

6 2022-07-10 13:24 *

Who are you quoting?

7 2022-07-10 20:41

It's not a quote

8 2022-07-11 06:04 *

Then stop misusing the quote functionality ``please''.

9 2022-07-11 11:01


your views are only real on the internet

10 2022-07-11 11:18

and the internet isn't real

11 2022-07-11 15:22

these dubz are real



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