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Helping friendly exactly...what?!?!?

1 2022-07-02 03:53

Are book clubs nonsense or an affront to the tyranny of the dull mind? Can I not just read the Bible forever? What's the real deal holyfield here? Where is the secret of eternal joy and everlasting splendor? Teach me your ways o' wise ones:

ITT: we improve the living daylights out of one poor simple anon with reading list must haves. Improve me, yo. I am one digit away from nothing, but willfully and truthfully yours to improve. Make a (snarky?) Difference.

2 2022-07-03 16:42

Read the Pali Canon. I recommend Thanissaro Bhikkhu's translations. They're freely available online (as well as in ebook form) at dhammatalks.org and Metta Forest Monastery will send you deadtree versions if you ask for them via letter.

3 2022-07-03 17:39

Read The Sussman's reading list, achieve Satori.



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