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How to get a personality?

1 2022-04-24 18:36

People online say I need to work on my personality but I doubt I even have one.

2 2022-04-25 03:57

Go study some acting.

3 2022-04-25 07:02

I read some book on improvisation that was recommended by someone here but I couldn't try the exercises as I have no friends to do them with.

4 2022-04-25 09:39

Go find a different way to reach your goal. Do you believe that practicing your acting skill requires any friend?

Go make some friends
Practice your acting with strangers who are not your friends
Practice your acting with your neighbors who live in your local area
Practice your acting when you go to a store and interact with the workers
Go find and hire an acting coach

5 2022-04-25 14:19

There is no inherent personality. There are just the stories we tell ourselves until we forget that they were ever fictions.

6 2022-04-25 15:20

So what you're saying is that the stories that we tell ourselves isn't part of our inherent personality?

7 2022-04-25 15:23

shitty advice
acting is the opposite of having a personality
in acting you just follow a script (however convincingly)
while having a personality means standing up for your actual ideas, thoughts, desires, etc

8 2022-04-25 19:33

So it means being confrontational and stuff? Should I also join a Fight Club?

9 2022-04-25 23:05

I'm sorry, I'm ESL and got confused with the idiom "stand up for". I meant something else.
I didn't mean that it means being confrontational at all.

Think of the acting analogy. Instead of reading from a script you should be reading from your own life, and then acting how you think you should be acting if you were you (which you are).

This is just a way to think about it.

10 2022-04-26 13:30

more efficient sociopaths: in this thread

sociopath protip #1: love is the best and only thing, and you can barely feel it if at all!

11 2022-04-26 15:01

If the stories are external, then they're not inherent. If you need to tell them to yourself or others for them to be real, then they're not inherent.

12 2022-05-02 20:01

I read up on what exactly a personality is, and it seems to be some machine learning thing, so now I am glad I don't have one.

13 2022-05-04 23:04

Just do it.... anything... something



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