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67 2022-04-30 07:35

I don't think I've depression. antidepressants aren't helping. starting to think it's C-PTSD. not that it matters. I'm fucked beyond all hope either way.

the smallest things trigger me. anything that reminds me other people have things they enjoy, things that make them happy. nothing makes me happy. I try avoid the world and focus on random CS/math problems. but that leads to feeling nothing instead of feeling sadness.

everyone who's as screwed as me is probably already dead. how could someone so disgusting live with themselves for so long.

having a friend would probably help. someone to spend time with. too bad I'm not fun company.

69 2022-04-30 09:53

Dying is even harder in this condition.

70 2022-04-30 10:55

no, I don't

why would that be?

79 2022-04-30 16:39

Such a condition is also characterized by the lack of determination.



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