The way I look at it, after a lifetime of intermittent curiosity on the matter is that in the end we exist in a life that never existed forever before birth and, at least as we know it, will cease to exist forever after death. The situation is hopelessly cruel and profoundly absurd, meaningless in every sense of the word, beyond human measure. Maybe you believe in Christ, or maybe not, but there only two real possibilities as far as I am concerned: either we are an irrational cyst of nothing as nothing from nothing to nothing in love and pain, or we are all the dreams of the great mind/spirit/AI, whatever, YHWH and things are going to be carefully weighed and measured to the grain and made right in His eyes when the time comes. I haven't seen much else that has impressed me very much. Either way, things look fairly grim, and no one makes it out alive. Either way, it's heaven enough for me. For this hideous sensory cage to collapse on me in ultimate finality would be almost as good (as I would be absent of myself, and pain, want and confusion) as an eternity in an entirely new universe full of the hand selected minds suitable for eternity in service to the King. Nothing much bothers me either way, either way I don't much care about tomorrow either way, if the sun were to rise at all.
Love to me is the only thing.