[ prog / sol / mona ]


What the fuck am I supposed to do?

1 2022-04-10 00:02

I screamed for three fucking days straight, every waking moment I didn't pass out from the stress of demonia and malnutrition, and God damn me, after that three days I rasped in pain my motherfucker until I couldn't do anything that made sense after getting slam dunked into the "no realistic life here" void for the real until the hands of some shit other than the sensical dragged me under, and IF I HAD A FUCKING VOICE at all in the wasted fucking bitter breath, I would have screamed against the blood and shit that coated me like some hellish acid womb amoeba fucking chrysalis: I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU ALL! I LOVE YOU AND ALWAYS WILL YOU SICK FUCKED UP (rather mysterious) BAG OF WORTHLESS FUCKING VENOMOUS HEAVY METAL PLASTIC CARCINOGENIC SHIT! FUCK YOU!

and of course, love being what it is, my debt to you is only what I regret that I am, and yes, you better spit in my fucking eyes this spiny bit: i love you more.

2 2022-04-10 00:21

Meds, so forth.

3 2022-04-10 05:36 *

I used to love her, but it's all over now.

4 2022-04-12 15:08

Cartoon girl is the best cure for any emotional break-up! 💕 😉 💵 http://www.xxxcomixporn.com/pictures/logan-medicine-empty-decoration-3/30



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