Hey SchemeBBS, what is your best learning platform? Mine is 4P Academy! http://4pacademy.com
Mine is Library Genesis: https://libgen.rs/
Mine is https://libgen.fun/
6 Simple Memory Techniques Anyone Can Try Today : http://thepromindcomplex.com
Porn Hub https://pornhub.com
all your shitty books and gay virtual classrooms are a waste of time.
What will I learn from that website?
Learning is such an important and cool topic, I wish this thread was more than just spam.
I somewhat doubt the spammers have any compelling lessons on pedagogy for you, if that's what you're asking.
I always go to university of california television to learn new things! http://www.uctv.tv
I sometimes give advice to self-learners on these sort of sites but ultimately it seems we're all on our own, and self-learning really seems something one has to figure out on their own. I've come across a lot of advice most of which doesn't work for me at all. Anki, for example, seems just silly for me.
The only universally applicable advice I think is: do your research and take notes.