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Is Web 2.0 inducing brain damage?

1 2022-03-07 12:45

"The schizophrenic has had their window kicked in, the magician has got a body of law – probably most of it bollocks, it doesn’t matter. The magician’s got a system into which the alien information that will be pouring into him or her will be fitted. They’ve got a filing cabinet, like the Qabalah, which is a filing cabinet for ideas. It divides the whole universe up into ten drawers. Any experience can be passed into one of the drawers. The schizophrenic is probably having exactly the same experience as the magician but has no context in which to understand it. … The schizophrenics I have known, the most evident thing about it is the interconnectedness of everything. That’s standard lunacy, it’s also standard magic. But with one of them, it is uncontrollable, you are lost in a world in which everything is obviously connected by symbolic threads. That is what the magician is seeking, to see these threads that connect things up. If you’ve got a system – even if it’s a completely made-up bogus system – then you’ve at least got a filing cabinet to sort this stuff into, you don’t have to get crushed under it."

2 2022-03-07 15:07

brain damage

Obligatory link:


3 2022-03-07 21:15

A pretty severe combination of stigmergy and Einstellung effect.

4 2022-03-07 22:03

I just assume everything causes brain damage until proven otherwise.

5 2022-03-08 01:59 *

Sometimes I wonder if technology cabals push bloated garbage on purpose to force the advancement of raw computation resources and teach humanity an ultimate lesson about lazy solutions and not using logical fallacies philopsical razors and scientific weapons correctly from being lazy.
Maybe there's also some backlash from the mathematicians that had to deal with their logos being lost on the original machines from gray suits requiring nonmathematical knowledge for using them.

6 2022-03-08 11:48

Obfuscated solutions protect the market shares of both businesses and programmers. No one is going to pay six figure salaries or sign billion dollar contracts for simple, bespoke solutions that have been around for decades, because they're known factors that make both the business and programmers vulnerable to replacement.

7 2022-03-08 15:13

gopher is the cure. install lynx.

8 2022-03-08 16:58

gopher is filled with people's abandoned phlogs and persistent masturbation over gopher.
Pubnix is the real cure.

9 2022-03-08 20:39

It's called a cartel, and the answer is yes.
What is that?
gemini nerds want to reinvent gopherspace, but http 2 is fine. It's DocBook/XML that is wrong.
And I say that 10% ironically because I'm aware where and how I'm POST this message as.
Can't wait for UTF-16 net.

10 2022-03-08 21:13

Public Unix. Also known as "tildes" now, but SDF (and pubnices) precede them by decades.
The idea is to locate (and create) social data onto a headless server that users SSH onto.
It simultaneously resolves a lot of problems. The main issue for mainstream adoption would be creating a frontend that blackboxes the CLI aspect.
Otherwise, the primary thing that Web 2.0 does is many-to-many text transfer--something Unix excels at.

11 2022-03-08 22:31

Wait, then how would other people find your stuff? The point of gopherspace, therefore http 2 net, was to find documents promptly and accessibly. gopher completely achieved that in entirety, but it's still stuck in 7bit-dom. SDF is just an ISP you have to pay for. Pubnix are bad overall because of bad actors and sys-abuse.

12 2022-03-08 23:03


Wait, then how would other people find your stuff?

Word of mouth and tooling? Discoverability for social data isn't necessarily a good thing.

The point of gopherspace, therefore http 2 net, was to find documents promptly and accessibly. gopher completely achieved that in entirety, but it's still stuck in 7bit-dom.

Web 2.0, aka post NSF-net, aka Eternal September, is about interactivity of users sharing data, not simply document access. Even in the scourge that is the modern web, libgen and scihub have solved the problem of document access (namely, the stuff you actually want to read).

Pubnix are bad overall because of bad actors and sys-abuse.

This is just nonsense.

13 2022-03-08 23:03 *

schemebbs full of plebs that dont know grid ants or dlu

14 2022-03-09 00:37


Word of mouth

What? Why would any scientist want this, the fuck?

and tooling?

Veronica-2 solved this. http yet implement one. YaCY is attempting it.

social data

Why do you keep talking about this?

Web 2.0 is about interactivity of users sharing data

Why would anyone want this? This seems to be what's at the crux the issue. Your scihub & libgen comment is semi correct, but still centralized.

This is just nonsense.

Seems you never hosted anything. I had to deal with spammers, access escalation, malware, and CSAM. The least I want people abusing my computers.
Enlighten please.

15 2022-03-09 05:38 *

communism with an ice fairy is great like gnu/bsd buttsex in retards sex dungeon http://9gridchan.org/ dead
>9gridchan has always been opposed to the toxic elements of -chan culture and engaged in active resistance to them. I have always hoped people would look deeper than the most superficial guilt-by-association concepts and understand the goals of this project were all about supporting cooperative open-minded creativity with respect for all cultures and identities. I've been a blatantly wacked-out hippie type advocating peace, love, and 9p all this time and hoped it would shine through. I feel now this is both naive to begin with, and unsustainable in modern internet culture. This site remains up as a historical artifact but I'm leaving the -chan namespace for active projects because the risk of being misunderstood is too great. Many grid services are offline because I no longer wish to risk hosting user-submitted content that is not being actively audited. I have never seen any abuse but I'm not interested in doing active monitoring of content and I don't want to take the risk of the service being used abusively and feeling responsible for it. Hopefully I will work out something I feel comfortable doing. Hope to see everyone from grid around in the larger world of plan 9 and 9p services. Peace and love and acceptance to the whole world, the dream of harmonious cooperative communication will not die.
ldap likes to call it ddis but ive never seen ldap be usable for this usecase look at kademlia being used for it instead there are many such cases

lets be honest techies that will use anything beyond webshit and discord are hard to come by no idea how pubnix is still incarnated in the current decade other than its someone else hosting the box for undying nostalgia retardation kek
literate techies are still in a pit of attempting to get hosting concerns undercontrol after being raped for being illiterate >>14 its a never ending pit this doesnt include getting metadata order for the anonymity scale or dealing with gte but once thats the issue you deal with its withering away time

16 2022-03-09 07:20

Who is this Veronica-2 and is she single?

17 2022-03-09 09:19 *

she lives in a dumb and yes shes single with shingles

18 2022-03-11 11:31


19 2022-03-13 01:51

Is Web 2.0 inducing brain damage?

Web3 will fix it.

20 2022-03-16 17:30

Is the printing press inducing brain damage? Just think about the tabloids and their readers. Could it be that it is not the technology to blame but the right-wing billionaires that are deliberately using them to stupefy the masses who would otherwise rise up against them? No, it must be the technology.

21 2022-03-16 22:18

"It's the billionaires" is always the laziest excuse. Less than 3000 people do not govern 8 billion people. Even if they did, they could not do so without the consent of the masses, despite whatever theoretical hootenanny ideologues come up with.

22 2022-03-16 23:36

if you think it's the many over the few, you may change your mind some day.

23 2022-03-17 07:56

Why is the idea that people with disproportionate access to resources have disproportionate influence on the world? Since when is the amount of effort needed to come up with an idea the measure of its merit?

24 2022-03-17 07:58 *

I meant to ask why the idea is so scandalous but the medications make it hard for me to collect my thoughts.

25 2022-03-17 08:29 *

it's da joos

26 2022-03-17 16:52

It's scandalous because it fails basic rational inquiry. "I made the numbers go up really high" does not make humans into gods. They have to use speech and rely on other autonomous humans to do anything. If people follow the directives of the wealthy, it's because they want to follow them, whether it's because of cowardice, avarice, mimesis, or simple emergent behavior. If history teaches us anything, it's that wealthy and powerful people stay alive just as long as their underlings want them to.

27 2022-03-17 16:55

26>> their lethal enforcers are pretty bad ass though, and the bread crust eaters cannot withstand them.

28 2022-03-17 17:17 *

Just because we are all equal before God does not mean that all of us can afford to run national brainwashing campaigns that cost millions.

29 2022-03-17 18:20

It's always ironic to me that nominal advocates of populism and labor always diminish the capacity of the lowest classes to think and act for themselves, while expanding the agency of the highest classes beyond all sense and reason. They worship money, despite all the pretences otherwise.

30 2022-03-17 18:30

If they could really think for themselves they would surely agree with me, don't you think?

31 2022-05-01 14:34

"You're all individuals!"
"We are all individuals."

32 2022-07-30 01:46

Only if you let it...

33 2022-07-30 01:51

ill let these dubs

34 2022-07-30 12:38

Just take a look at the current state of /prog/, it's pretty clear that textboards written in Scheme are actually making people dumber.

35 2022-07-30 13:01

if we wuz all dumber weed be takin scheme bbc up the pc rn

36 2022-07-30 13:06 *

isnt it bsc

37 2022-07-30 13:08


38 2022-09-11 18:59

>>37 bb jesus



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