I'm curious.
I'm left handed.
I'm left handed.
Also left handed
I identify as left handed. So, left handed.
I'm left handed.
Self-proclaimed left handed
I am right dominant, but am training for ambidexterity, and so have only used my left hand for almost eight years now. My handwriting is getting better!
I am also left handed.
What's up here?
I'd start with the Master and his Emissary by Iain McGilchrist for a general hypothesis, but I couldn't say precisely.
I am probably like the only real left handed person in this thread.
Like, the bicameral mind type left handed business?
Rejected the binary and now identify as non handed.
i was right handed but then i was injured and taught myself left hand and then i forgot right hand after it had healed
I had the exact same thing happen to me!
i was born with two left facing hands, but do not use the right left one because i'm afraid somebody will notice that I'm handicapped.
Yes, but with less Jaynes and more oppositional processing.
lefty here
Are you able to write two different essays at the same time?
Truly the left hand path.
I'm right handed.
Might be why you're out of touch with the oeuvre.
I use the right-hand rule.
le golden rule