Where to start?
Learning latin?
I've just started learning it and I want to buy bilingual editions of Latin authors. Looking for book recommendations.
...The Vulgate?
Read all of LLPSI for starters, then maybe visit thelatinlibrary.com it doesn't have bilingual editions tho
I don't know from Latin, but how about Julius Caesar's Gallic Wars. It has druids, fighting, and some nudity.
lain literature
I haven't studied Latin in years, and never got particularly far but I believe Livy and Caesar are the standard recommendations for once you've completed the equivalent of a course or two.
Rene Descartes for something "more modern."
Vulgate is unironically good start. But if you do not know any Latin, read Lingua Latina per se illustrata first. Also, see https://www.thelatinlibrary.com
After learning the basics of Latin from LLPSI or any old Latin grammar book, the traditional first Latin text is Caesar's Commentarii de Bello Gallico.