Scientists should name newly discovered penguin species in honor of Tux the Linux penguin.
Scientists should name newly discovered demon species in honor of beastie the freebsd demon.
Scientists should name newly discovered disease in honor of Windows the Microsoft disease.
Scientists should name newly discovered apple species in honor of Apple the corporate behemoth.
Scientists should name newly discovered beloved children of God of Mediterranean descent in honor of TempleOS.
Scientists should name newly discovered unbeloved children of Satan of demonic descent in honour of InfernoOS.
Scientists should name newly discovered textboard software in honor of SchemeBBS the Scheme textboard.
Scientists should name newly discovered speech impediments in honor of SBCL the implementation of Lisp.
Scientists should name newly discovered bunny species in honor of Glenda the Plan 9 bunny.
Scientists should name newly discovered virus species in honor of GPL the software license virus.