[ prog / sol / mona ]


if god is good

5 2021-12-31 16:19

heaven or hell, you didnt save adam or eve, and you didnt save cain, and the lamb is worthless, and so is the one milllion other pair of animals to you,

so fuck you and fuck reality, i hope you die along with life itself because you can only spite me in hell and only spite me since you are a moron and your freedom sucks and retarded, but i guess thats reality, so suck it up, and grow the fuck up but nah, you are always a fucking child that does not die. immortally a moron and unable to save anyone but your own self love.

but you know what? you are the one who asked for it. but no. you will just suffer immortally i guess. goodfuckingbye.

read minds or something. maybe you should unequip satan if you actually love humanity or something. either that or you just lose control and now, it s too fucking embarassing to admit fault.

nvm. joan died. so does the popes, and the rest of humanity, and the grass and all the unimportant thing, and there s nothing to know, and adam and eve doesnt know whats a soul either and theres no record if if if


well fuck you and this all im so tired of this bullshit



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