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Will the FSF suppress BSD?

1 2021-12-23 10:45

The FSF is currently using a conciliatory tone towards the BSDs and their licenses. But what will happen when the FSF is finally and totally victorious in its struggle to achieve its vision of software freedom? Will the FSF then reveal its true colors by suppressing the BSDs?

2 2021-12-23 12:03 *


3 2021-12-24 11:46

freetards are sjw but a little more based. fsf-like behavior is typical for leftoids trying to supress everyone who disagrees with their opinion even in minutiae.

4 2021-12-24 15:46

What makes you think fsf is going to be "finally and totally victorious." I mean there are plenty of corporations that donate development time to BSD, and plenty of projects that use bsd/mit licenses.

5 2021-12-26 15:15

When the FSF is "finally and totally victorious", it will show its true colors by transforming itself into the monopolistic FSF Corporation. In the name of freedom, this frighteningly powerful corporation will reintroduce closed-source software onto an initially unsuspecting world. All software will be controlled and distributed by the FSF Corporation.

Computer programming will be a strictly regulated activity that can only be done by licensed professionals affiliated with the FSF. All new software will have to be approved by the regulators before a single line of code can be written. With greater regulations, the authorities hope to remove the tools that criminal hackers use to create malware. It will be a crime to write a program without a permit. All computer-like devices will be monitored by the authorities to prevent unauthorized and/or malicious use. The sale of text editors will be strictly monitored by the authorities. Emacs and Vim will be banned for being "too customizable", and for being the foundational tool used by hackers to create malware. There will be an international organization for preventing the proliferation of text editing technology.

Software prices will rise significantly. Low income households will be spending an ever growing proportion of their income on "essential software". The developing world will not be able to develop its own software due to perpetual and global software patents that the FSF enforces with the threat of military force.

6 2021-12-26 16:24 *

>>5 Reminds me of america.

7 2022-10-10 19:24


8 2022-10-15 06:53

We should start to plant our own moles into the so-called Free Software Foundation. The moles should aim to infiltrate the inner sanctum of the FSF cabal to gather information about its real activities and goals. The FSF might just be a front organization for a far greater plan to dominate the world.

9 2022-10-15 12:39

It's pretty hard to dominate anybody when you provide them with freedom in their computing.

10 2022-10-17 13:00

Fake freedom.
Freedom to love the FSF.
Freedom to praise the FSF.
Freedom to "donate" money to gain access to FSF software.
Freedom to be enslaved by the FSF.

11 2022-10-17 17:32

Lets just fork freedos, put multiuser and tty functionality, make it run protected mode, public domain it and just call it a day

12 2022-10-18 15:26 *

No amount of freedom will uncuck your cuck license. Get a GNU/Life.

13 2022-10-19 19:50


le cuck licence

People who equate program code with a spouse must live a really sad life. I also doubt if they ever thought would be the analogy, if their precious GPL was to be applied.

14 2022-10-19 19:51

* thought what would

15 2022-10-19 23:18

In this context it doesn't have anything to do with a spouse. Cuck is an all-encompassing term that is mostly used as a way of referring to submissive beta males. In this case it refers to a programmer who allows themselves to be exploited and enables users to become useds by permitting other developers to build proprietary spyware on top of their own software. You need to divorce the etymology from the current usage(s) of the word, this is common across the English language.

16 2022-10-20 16:52

Public domain code would be just saying that "my work here is done now its your problem to worry about"

17 2022-10-20 23:02


Cuck is an all-encompassing term

AKA "means everything and nothing". So, as a consequence, the same could be applied to the whole retarded "cuck licence" meme.

a programmer who allows themselves to be exploited

How does one get exploited if he/she voluntarily releases program under a lax licence? By the way, BSD licences other than the 4-clause one are GPL compatible, so FSF cultists can still use the code. Less licence restrictions means less potential problems to further adopters or redistributors. I have seen enough pointless shitshows, as well as sabotaging, revolving around GPL terms.

enables users to become useds by permitting other developers to build proprietary spyware on top of their own software

This is starting to give some schizo vibes. The original code, even if used in malicious way by some adopter, does not automatically disappear. While it is indeed a shit practice for huge and rich companies to leech off volunteers and give nothing back, your generalisation went way too far. It's also not like you can not do something similar with code under any other licence - it just boils down on how well you are going to obfuscate it. Licence does not magically do/cause anything on its own anyway. This whole unhealthy obsession over le licences seems to be a very USA thing and, due to its influence, has unfortunately spread worldwide.

current usage(s) of the word

In other words, misuse by knuckleheads who are too retarded to check the meaning of a word they want to use in a dictionary. Sorry, but I remember well how it got popular: 2014 was the year classic 4chan got formally murdered, through events like closing of World4ch, introducing WebM, moot going for a love quest, GaymerGate, moot purging long-time moderators and janitors because he felt 4chan interfered with his love quest, fappening and introduction of DMCA policy. All that brought an influx of newfags unwilling to adapt, who instead used the chaos to introduce their reign of cancer. One of many symptoms was the word "cuck" which they pushed hard to replace "faggot" for no reason. It was retarded then and is just as retarded now.

18 2022-10-21 00:13


Licence does not magically do/cause anything on its own anyway.

I'm sorry but it does. You can appeal to it in a trial. Even to the obfuscated code.

"cuck" which they pushed hard to replace "faggot"

And here you leaped from opinionated to downright wrong. "Cuck" is used for anything submissive while "faggot" is... well, faggot.

19 2022-10-21 01:36

Who cares about the terns and conditions imposed by open source licenses? They are completely powerless in jurisdictions that have non-oppressive copyright enforcement. Outside the USA, the FSF is merely a powerless paper tiger. You don't have to respect the restrictions imposed by the GPL licenses if the FSF is unable to enforce its claims where you live. GPL code is effectively in the public domain in most countries, whether or not the "copyright owners" like it or not.

20 2022-10-21 08:58 *

I find it very ironic that the people who are most vehemently opposed to free software and licenses like GPL are usually not even informed well enough to know the difference between open source (OSI and its cronies) and free software (FSF). This instantly invalidates any opinion you might have had, and makes what you spew worth less than what I deposit in the toilet after a morning coffee.

21 2022-10-23 19:12

>>18 by that logic both sides of a relationship would get cucked if one cheats on the other.

22 2022-10-23 20:38

Who cares about FSF? Richard 'Marx' Stallman was kicked, the only dude who people gave a shit about. BSD will live on as the realest of Unixes.

23 2022-10-24 08:35

Who cares about Stallman? The FSF isn't about the cult of Stallman, the mission of the FSF is about users who have freedom.

24 2022-10-24 09:05 *

stallman touched my peepee :[

25 2022-10-24 13:02

That's a wrong question, it's Stallman that cares about who. Without him the mission of the FSF becomes only declarative.

26 2022-10-24 15:13

stallman licked my armpits sensually 😢

27 2022-10-24 18:37


28 2022-10-29 01:28

ligma arm anus

29 2022-11-02 21:50

Lucky girl

30 2022-11-03 07:39

Girl I'm a lucky girl I'm a lucky girl I'm a lucky
Girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl



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