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What programmers want to hear the most.

1 2021-11-24 17:06

We asked the top programmers about what they want to hear the most. This was their answer:

I am St. Ignucius of the Church of Emacs. I bless your computer, my child.

2 2021-12-16 04:56

You should've asked bottom programmers too. Let's be inclusive

3 2021-12-21 07:59

"You are a code monkey, and will always be one"

"Your code will be obsolete and unmaintained within a month"

"You will be paid by the number of lines of code you write per day"

4 2021-12-21 13:02

I like to hear "thanks, the software works just as I need it to".

5 2021-12-27 08:24


6 2022-03-05 04:50

Your PC is doomed...

John Romero releases new Doom II map to “support the Ukrainian people”
We test "One Humanity," whose proceeds benefit Ukraine-focused aid organizations.
SAM MACHKOVECH - 3/5/2022, 6:40 AM

All screens in this article were captured from a GZDoom instance running "One Humanity," currently on sale for €5 with all proceeds going to charity. (Yes, I opted for IDDQD. You'll have to wait for another day to see my Nightmare difficulty speedrun without cheats.)
All screens in this article were captured from a GZDoom instance running "One Humanity," currently on sale for €5 with all proceeds going to charity. (Yes, I opted for IDDQD. You'll have to wait for another day to see my Nightmare difficulty speedrun without cheats.)
John Romero
In a surprise treat for '90s first-person shooter fans, Doom series co-creator John Romero emerged this week with a brand-new map for the 1994 classic Doom II. While it's priced somewhat high for this kind of content—€5 for a single old-school map—there's a good reason.

Romero makes clear in the release's template file that this WAD's sale is intended to "raise funds to support the Ukrainian people." It can be purchased at his personal shop site, where he says all proceeds will go toward two humanitarian organizations: the Ukrainian Red Cross and the UN Central Emergency Response Fund. (On the non-charity front, Romero's store also sells a bunch of Doom-era goodies.)

Romero makes clear pretty early on that we're in <em>Doom II</em> territory, not <em>Doom 1</em>.
Romero makes clear pretty early on that we're in Doom II territory, not Doom 1.
John Romero
Doomception: How modders got Doom to run inside of Doom
One day after its Wednesday launch, the download was updated to add much of the same ReadMe information found in his 2019 Doom 1 map pack, Sigil, that explains to newcomers how to easily get the new map working in either Windows or MacOS. (As I found in my own casual testing, the same instructions do not work on Steam Deck, whose semi-closed Arch Linux implementation currently requires a dive into its command line.) To play Romero's new map, "One Humanity," you'll need an original retail Doom II installation (which comes as part of the newest Doom II version on Steam and GOG), on top of which you can apply a source port like GZDoom.
A different type of humanitarian aid
Pro tip: Don't use a modern engine's mouselook toggles to peek below and aim directly at enemies in this map's pit of despair. That breaks the tension of classic <em>Doom II</em> maps.
Pro tip: Don't use a modern engine's mouselook toggles to peek below and aim directly at enemies in this map's pit of despair. That breaks the tension of classic Doom II maps.
John Romero
Though Romero's map design in the original Doom II isn't necessarily as beloved as his Doom 1 mastery, "One Humanity" sees the Doom series co-creator return to form with a clever ring-based level design. Most of the level's content looms above a pit of despair, which Doomguy can battle through and warp out of in the case of an errant fall (though he will need to plummet to find the level's sole rocket launcher). But the top-floor series of rooms is imperative to finding keys and triggers that will open doors and raise bridges to the level's exit door.

Box maze time.
Box maze time.
John Romero
Along the way, players will stumble upon Doom-level classics like a handsomely lit box maze and one of those freaking hallways that ends with you flipping a switch and hearing too many enemy-warp sound effects on the other side. Its arrangement of enemy spawns and tight walkways emphasizes the brutality of Doom II's super shotgun, which is always nice to get re-acquainted with. And, yes, if you grunt-grunt-grunt along enough doorways, you will indeed find a useful BFG.

All of which is to say: this level looks and plays like an exploration of solid, classic Doom II mechanics, as opposed to including graphics or structures that allude to events of any particular real-life era (though on a graphical level, "One Humanity" does push the Doom II engine with cool tricks like crumpled doors and fractured floors).

This seems like a trap.
This seems like a trap.
John Romero
The release joins an increasingly loud chorus of voices in games and tech to support the Ukrainian people amidst a Russian invasion—and while we've documented other tech companies' recent efforts and fundraisers, we at Ars Technica welcome more links to such humanitarian efforts in the comment section below. I'll close this out by quoting the "One Humanity" template file for those of you who may not choose to buy an old Doom II map file for one reason or another:

If you obtained this file for free, please consider making a donation to the Ukranian Red Cross or the UN Central Emergency Response Fund.

7 2022-03-05 06:41 *


8 2022-03-05 18:28

I will eat rat meat first.

9 2022-03-06 01:50 *

DAY OF THE smalltalk descendant now

10 2022-03-06 03:01

one of the things that makes life worth living is hope
and when that is robbed from you with everything else
there we are again, eating the core, the seeds, the worm
so humor is a funny thing, and i would be a fool to say that
i am anything but grateful to God for every day
and the smiles, and everything that came with it

not classically one to control my emotions, or make good decisions
but there is time right now to set a guard over my heart, and tongue, and wait patiently for it to rain, because although nothing much is promised, it does sometimes rain, or the sun shines and makes a rainbow, or lightning.

it hurts to dream some days, but my skin is so thick anymore that i hardly mind.

i am a fool in that i want the best for everyone as much as can be mustered, so what is it to say i would want only the best? does that cheapen it? it would take thought for me to say either way, and i'm only so invested in it at this point.

there's nothing right to say
there's nothing wrong, but i know all things work together
and that even the puzzle dust sings the master's hand
and that love
is the one thing
that is not
a joke

and i love everyone very very much.

I'll be around sommewhere, I guess, and whether I am hard to find or not, well, for a while I was not.




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