[ prog / sol / mona ]


lemme forget

1 2021-11-10 13:46

somehow my life cant seem to forget a significance of a "number". due to me wanting to practice a certain amount at a minimum but then finds these amount to be obsoletely useless, but still tries very hard to find meaning in this "thing"

how do i let go of this "number" so i may, so called get on with it

2 2021-11-10 16:46

Is it 23?

3 2021-11-10 17:49 *

age isn't real

4 2021-11-10 17:53 *

as in, immortality is possible

5 2021-11-10 19:37

never forget

6 2021-11-11 00:25

but, is it real tho

7 2021-11-11 01:46 *

Time is defined by the orbit of the Earth around the Sun. It is upheld by social consciousness and the supposed consistency of this orbit.

If the orbit of Earth around the Sun (allegedly, I don't genuinely know how Sun and Earth relate and I'm not going to just "trust" people to tell me we're heliocentric or terracentric or maybe neither-centric without looking at the stars myself - which, by the way, is quite difficult if you're an oversocialized faggot stuck in cities and suburbs, but I digress)

IF the orbit of the Earth around the Sun suddenly changed, or the rotation of the Earth too - what would that mean for "time"? Is it the same if we change the calendar, the seasons, etc.
The way we can look at the world and define it is malleable.

People see time as a linear thing despite its dependencies on its definition; rotation, cycle, orbit - why don't we see the world as cycles instead? There are 4 seasons. Why have these four seasons labeled? It could be 8 seasons, to capture the nuance between each transition.

We have markers for when these changes come, through our "time" interface. You can also query for season change by temperature, by gut feeling, etc. And it seems our ancestors were able to survive these seasons quite well.

Why do we need time? Did you know that there are different base systems of counting in older civilizations? Just as there are currently 24 hours in a day, there could be 13 manbits (whatever the civilization came up with as their new unit name) in a day too. Age can only be kept track of because someone wrote it down on the alleged calendar. How would you keep track of age; would you have someone remember each season cycle for you?
Why do the number of season cycles matter to be kept track of?
Ever thought about how someone devised the notion of the hour to keep you feeling like you're losing something quickly? Why not make it 12 "hours" in a day and night? Why not group the hours?
Ever notice how some seasons end earlier some years, and start later in other years? How is our time model accurate compared to our experience, right in front of us, with what matters?

Why do we accept that we just have to die after a certain number of revolutions?
Not to be trite and annoying, but I mean, who even are "we" to begin with? Is this all I am? Why do people accept the words of other men about "after life"?
Why do let revolutions around the Sun determine our maturity, intelligence, future, hope, despair - let it control us and what we want to do?

Why don't people acknowledge that amount of growth potential we still have left, and how little we know of our world and take for granted? How little we know of ourselves?

So no, when you reject social consciousness and note the relativity of these definitions, time and age is not real.
You can use them as convenient interfaces for interacting with people, but that is all.

8 2021-11-11 05:48


9 2021-11-11 06:04 *

TL;DR apply yourself

10 2021-11-11 06:12

whatever you say mate.

11 2021-11-11 07:05

What if I'd rather eval myself?

12 2021-11-11 08:04

>>7 yes it did came from 7*24 which then reads as days times hours in day which once you combine becomes days,hours and by putting days and hours added inbetween you get = dhayrs = theirs

but it could also sound like dours or hayrs if you put it differently but they have no meaning
and the only "theirs" that mean anything is their 'stuff'? like styles and similarly idk it was that nonsense to me.

but it also broke down into 7*6*4 which comfortably fits into different elements of a design but then not good enough of a thing so idk i need something else.

13 2021-11-12 13:47

bump. more ideas pls

14 2021-11-13 02:51

the best way to replace a number in your life is to juxtapose it against some fine and furry letters in leather.

15 2021-11-13 03:26 *

you're still looking at things as if they're permanent.
Ever heard of the is-ought dilemma?

16 2021-11-13 04:35

Not only read every word, but lovingly carved every word into my arm with a razor.

17 2021-11-13 19:09

not sure which part of it compelled you toward self-harm

18 2021-11-13 22:07 *

Self improvement

19 2022-02-15 09:51

Forget you and forget her too

20 2022-02-15 18:55

aww, that's so sweet in a cybernihilistic way.



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