[ prog / sol / mona ]



1 2021-11-04 00:53

You're travelling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's the signpost up ahead - your next stop, the conspiracy theory Zone!

2 2021-11-04 02:19

moe berg was actually a weekend at bernies mentally retarded savant with a hell of a fine attitude that the military used to overthrow the communists

3 2021-11-04 05:53 *

>>2 is in on it

4 2021-11-04 20:12

The NIH made COVID and the vaccines sterilize and kill people.

5 2021-11-04 23:04

i don't care at this point if they sterilize me or it's invasion of the pod people or whatever the hell it is.

are they going to consolidate all real material wealth into the hands of the ruling shadow elite while the rest of us eat digital shit? Are they going to have the working class cradle to grave drones that live to slave and die and very little else? When does the real psychochemical warfare against the people begin? Why are they holding back the progress of mankind?

Destroy me! Destroy me first!

6 2021-11-05 00:19

Sensible Urbanism Zone

7 2021-11-05 02:13

The harmful conspiracies tend to be conspiracies of silence.

8 2021-11-05 13:17

AI is actually powered by humans living in underground pods.
They are called black boxes for a reason because it's all negros harvested from Africa. That's why the population is exploding, just the mega corps tapping into the dark pools.

9 2021-11-05 14:53

Don't care, I'll pack my shit up onto a boat and sail away if things get rough.

10 2021-11-06 00:07

Quoth Devo: "eenie eenie meenie meenie miney miney mo, the lucky ones are gonna be the first to go."

11 2022-02-13 01:21

Gas x3
Gotta step on the gas

12 2022-02-13 12:29

autism zone

13 2022-02-14 07:42

human or human like creatures already exist throughout the universe. humans were created here by them 200k years ago. because terraforming is difficult they seek out planets with life and merge their dna with the suitable organisms. because of the long distances and difficulty of travel, these aliens prefer to let the planets run idependently as much as possible, but will occasionally interfer with human affairs when necessary. they are what humans thought of as angels. a group of angels are appointed as vassals of earth, who in turn appoint a group of humans to do their bidding on earth

14 2022-02-14 22:45

The best conspiracy is the non-conspiracy conspiracy.

To explain this conspiracy just assume that the grand neoliberal narrative is completely true.
Any idea that you get that makes you think that stuff like the moon landing is fake or that 9/11 was planned, or that COVID19 is hoax...is simply a invasion of the mind.
I mean the Russians and the Chinese are indeed fucking around in western society...so perhaps they intrude and attempt to purposefully stoke the flames of division.

What about the fake news?

The fake news isn't "fake". They just take facts and warp them to suite their following. You live in a capitalist society so this is just how journalism works. If you write for liberals they will simply blacklist you if you start taking right wing positions... if you write for conservatives you have to go all in because you have been black listed by liberals.

What about fake public news like CBC and BBC

They are state media and they write for the interests of the nation that feeds them. Figure out what your nation's grand interests are... it only makes sense. There's no real conspiracy other then the simple fact that Liberals run these organizations and as such push neoliberal crapola more then right leaning crapola. It doesn't even matter at the end of the day...

I mean what are you afraid of?
The neoliberals need population to grow. Hence they're pro-immigration. To be pro-immigration you need to be anti-racist. So if there was a large conspiracy this would be literally it.
Niggers are bad for society, so they have to make niggers into humans... hence if you're neoliberal who likes order and money, then you would be pro-BLM. it only makes sense...
If Climate Change was real, and i was a left wing journalist...why wouldn't I be freaking the fuck out...i mean if you thought Climate Change is real you should be freaking out.

What about watergate

Yes so "conspiracies" do exist, but they're never grand operations. They only occupy a few people...if your conspiracy is too large, someone will spill.
Only the CIA / FBI / Military are capable of invoking conspiracy... and all these operations are documented and released.
Notice all of those operations have been in the aim of growing American Empire... so if you're American, why exactly would you be scared of these organizations? I mean...compared to the alternative of Chinese global rule??

What about my white replacement

Whites are turning into niggers. It only makes sense to replace them via immigrants who worship your state...
Also many whites are turning towards libertarianism...which is just bad news if you like orderly states and lots of big business. Monopolistic Corporations cannot exist without a strong state...

What about feminism

When you're a neoliberal regime looking to make scheckles, you need to insure all your population is debt ridden, labor is cheap, and that men are stressed...
When women are moralized and contributing to the economy, the corporations stand to gain a lot more money from obedient slaves.

The non conspiracy conspiracy makes it seem like we are living in a national socialism...


15 2022-02-17 02:51

Everything is a fake.
Not because simulation but because humans engage in all sort of whacky narratives, fight wars against each other and against themselves, and none of that means shit. Nothing comes out of it, not even their rampant destruction meams anything because they are meaningless little creatures. Hell, even if they actively tried to destroy all life on this planet (which they are) they will fail miserably, and only wipe themselves out.

16 2022-02-18 00:44 *

>>14 Excuse me they call it democratic socialism now.



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