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Improving my 6 page view per mo into 100000$per mo??

1 2021-11-02 02:13

I need ideas to do regularly that is not costly to improve my page view into tons of sales ... I plan to do stories but there is alot of plotholes and it is hard to expand or finish. No good idea basically.

What do i do? Any good marketting gimmicks? or perhaps good, regular business ideas or storytelling techniques to fill in the blanks?

2 2021-11-02 02:14

sorry i mean 6 pageview per day

3 2021-11-02 06:51

Start something like SchemeBBS where your slaves (a.k.a. visitors or viewers) regularly produce content for free! A storytelling SchemeBBS.

4 2021-11-02 08:49

hmmm. Sure but, will visitor comes? i havent started one and there s no one coming to my channel....

5 2021-11-02 09:23

Give your visitors what they really want: flat chests.

6 2021-11-02 11:44

that, i have. but not enough it seems.

7 2021-11-02 13:00

OP what you are asking is basically this: "Guys how will i hit the jackpot???". Now that's obviously a valid question but you give next to no information on what you are doing to begin with and there sure as hell isn't a generic way to drive a lot of (real) traffic to a given project. At least if someone has anything even remotely like this it'll be guarded like a state secret.

8 2021-11-02 15:16

There's one weird trick that will take you from 6 page views per day to $100k per mo. Click a thousand times on this post to find out.

9 2021-11-02 19:24

Bring something genuine to the table.
I've seen a twitch streamer blow up from 20 viewers to 1.5k, living comfortably now.
His gimmick was his rage, maybe overplayed, but more often than not, it felt real.
tl;dr: Bee yourself, you can always sell out later

10 2021-11-03 06:56

>>7 hmmm. make sense. i am in the creative/multimedia field, my products are something of that and i want my channel to regularly produce quality to drive traffic in. or at least debutting this month. but again, i dont know the sort of "quality" it needs in actuality and i dont feel like going on shitpostings without knowing where am i gonna improve towards...

>>8 clicking. 10 clicks in and only 1 view, is this correct? seems to exponential...

>>9 oh yeah.. thats an old genre. not very common though.... very hard to drive around.

11 2021-11-03 13:56

I see. Well, if you are in fact producing high quality content regularly you should be generally seeing a slow but steady growth from word of mouth. Even if at 6 views it's hardly noticeable (depending on your crowd out of X viewers 1 is going to get you a new one on average and at 6 this might very well mean you still lack the 7th to start growing).

Regarding retention/growth a regular schedule is key. I obviously don't know how much time it takes to produce your average content but try keep a routine like 1 major update every X days and remember the internet life is a fast one so if you can pump out content every 2 days or even every single day without drastically lowering your quality do that.

Beyond that it's a question on how aggressive you want to advertise. Obviously you want to social media presence these days. In general try to dump your contents (ideally exerts with links to the real thing) everywhere you see a chance to reach an audience. Try to target what you feel is "your crowd" as good as you can to avoid being drowned in the endless stream of wannabe garbage platforms are drowned in every day.

When you have found the channels to reach your audience you need to figure out how to gain their attention. >>9 is quite right there. You need to stick out. It's the internet. There is millions and millions of people trying to strike it big. Don't be just one of them. Be a personality people remember for whatever reason or have some content that gains you this unique edge. Another very lowbrow form would be to randomly start drama with persons that are already famous. That worked for many people but it's a fine line. If people see you as a clout chaser it can backfire easily and the whole drama for clicks thing is obviously pretty tasteless. In any case you need something to set you apart. What's that certain thing is something you have to figure out.

12 2021-11-05 00:20

6 page view per mo into 100000$per mo??

In your dreams. Maybe if you're pewpiedew or Musk.

13 2022-01-20 10:11

Gotta go to youtube for that



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