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how to write stories

1 2021-10-31 06:42

Looking for a way to write story, good ones. either short ones like moby dick, cinderella, one-offs feature film,
or a long serials, like harry potters, james patterson, one piece manga, marvel and so on....

i have character and environment planned (most of em) but not sure how to fill in the blank and expand it to something big... either afraid if it is too lousy, or not enough content...

not sure how to plot, put on climaxes and resolutions with these characters...
also not sure how to make more characters too, i have 6 mains and not enough to fill the plots lol, but not sure how to add...

2 2021-10-31 17:06

You should have a Dave Robinson character. He is kind of a pervert and always spying on the princess because as a child he was cursed by the old witch Abrokula who also happens to be his mother but doesn't know this for most of the time. He only finds out when the princess catches him spying and tells about how she is really his sister. Tormented with self disgust Dave then goes on a killing spree and murders randomly for about three years. He becomes the bane of the valley but after three years he is finally stopped by main character 3 and 5 who drag him onto the village square of North Dwarten where he is tied down and eaten alive by wild boards who were deprived of food for 2 months just for this ordeal (Dave is held by sheriff Squaldon in the village jail during this time where he also confesses all - really most - of his gruesome murderings to Lady Chacha). While Dave is screaming and eaten by the pigs main character 5 confesses his undying love for main character 3. They have hot steaming sex in the bushes as soon as the village people are out of sights and main character 3 gets pregnant but when the baby is born it's a cripple so they get into a huge fight...

Anytime bro. No need to thank me.

3 2021-11-01 13:35

too much information there...

4 2021-11-01 14:39

/book/index.php?md5=89D0DF1055D34258259281B2C3B4860C is excellent on that subject.

5 2021-11-01 15:36

make an outline, flesh it out poorly with text to speech, have it fleshed out haphazardly by AI, have some poor indian dude smooth it out a little bit for next to nothing, read through it copy editing as you go, publish to amazon.

do so in an pulp/exploitation style (trans zombie romance) and surely somebody will buy it.

6 2022-07-14 11:27

Twitter filed its expected lawsuit against Elon Musk on Tuesday, demanding that he complete the $44 billion purchase of the social network.

"Musk refuses to honor his obligations to Twitter and its stockholders because the deal he signed no longer serves his personal interests," the lawsuit said. "Having mounted a public spectacle to put Twitter in play, and having proposed and then signed a seller-friendly merger agreement, Musk apparently believes that he—unlike every other party subject to Delaware contract law—is free to change his mind, trash the company, disrupt its operations, destroy stockholder value, and walk away."

The suit described "a long list of material contractual breaches by Musk that have cast a pall over Twitter and its business" and asked the court to "compel consummation of the merger upon satisfaction of the few outstanding conditions." The lawsuit points out that in the purchase agreement, "Twitter negotiated for itself a robust right to demand specific performance of the agreement's terms that encompassed the right to compel defendants to close the deal, and ensured that Musk personally was bound by that provision (among others)."

The lawsuit was filed Tuesday in the Delaware Court of Chancery.

7 2022-07-14 15:26


8 2022-07-15 11:43

and the politican's throwing stones: write your story in song! You got something to say? Repeat that shit for 128 bars on loop!



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