[ prog / sol / mona ]


trying to make millions of sales with my digital art

1 2021-10-30 13:32

trying to, sell million copies of my, 1$ art.... but i dont know what sort of quality to do for this 1$ stuff... how detailed, how big,. how much resolution...
the styling, genre, theme? what s trend currently? how do i know enough to make the best informed choices?

2 2021-10-30 14:18

You do this when you already have a buyer and need to move a lot of money. The actual art is irrelevant.

3 2021-10-30 14:28

huh? well the internet is completely reachable to anyone so i have the biggest network of buyers already...

4 2021-10-30 14:43

The module scene is still active.

5 2021-10-30 15:58

huh? >>4
what module?

6 2021-10-30 16:33

There is a difference between having potential buyers and having buyers. By your logic even least appealing heap of garbage is a goldmine which needs to be invested in asap. I guess you can figure where that leads in reality: A ton of burned money and a lot of sad faces.

7 2021-10-30 18:12

That's not a good idea.
You are much better off finding ONE buyer who pays 100k than finding 100k buyers who pay 1$. At least in NFT world.
Maybe there is an equation to be figured out.

8 2021-10-31 02:43

>>6 uh... taking examples of homestuck and tobyfox. not saying it s a garbage game or anything but the budget is placed less than the art. Or, really, how do you make it like them(but not rip off) so that you can have prospect of sales for your artstyle/product
>>7 ...that s insane. it means finding publisher or contest and i dont know who these days...

9 2022-03-05 04:45

Step 1: make digital art

Step 3: profit

10 2022-03-06 03:12

use one of those AI generating art programs, whatever basically, and generate and endless river of garbage from the top search results on google, and relative trends, then have third worlders grade these by quality in batches of 1,000,000 as fast as they can, micromanaged and cycled, then take that, and take the top cream of that, and again, and again, until you have the top thousand images. then put provocative, edgy, linkbait text-on-image garbage on them in a similar fashion, grade, repeat, fast fast fast, and as much as possible

then hire a savant in a bad situation to lightly manipulate them, mint these an NFT's and aggressively black hat market them as hard as you possibly can.

build a small army of shills, referral programs, give aways, and of course HYIP/MLM the whole thing with some friends, and then retire to the same stupid situation we're all more or less in, but then ignore that and spend your days seeking "getting off" chemical rushes well enough to distract you. champagne. expensive jewels, endless rivers of passive income streams, the flesh of fine beasts, and high minded persuits to feel good about what you're doing.

in fact, do it even more and sell out while you're ahead and live as a literal homeless beggar, with a couple of lifelines here and there so you're protected legally. become a ghost. become a goat. stop thinking about anything. become one with nothing.

11 2022-03-06 22:27 *

use ai
then proceed to not use ai

why do gray suits do this

12 2022-07-19 11:00

NFT time

13 2022-07-19 19:17

people are doing this. what is it, shit like psytrancepig.com
i'm glad there are computers, but some days i just want a stone to squeeze blood from instead.

14 2022-07-20 12:29

You are (not) ready for NFT



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