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Who the hell is ernesto gombar?

1 2021-10-17 20:57

So i get a call. Guy on other end is like "This is ernesto". I am like "ernesto who?" and goes on to say his name is ernesto gombar and he has been following me around for the last ten years. Jesus Christ, this guys knows every little space where i have been. He must have taken notes or something. this is so weird. We were talking for quite a bit and he seems to have kind of a fetish for driving around in taxis. He freakin loves taxis. Oh and eating raw fish. Taxis and raw fish. I'd really understand what he does with it but it sounded disgusting. Likely some deranged rich fucker. He obviously has to be if he is driving around in taxis all the time. Naturally he also knows where i life and what i was doing when i picked up the phone. The craziest part: It didn't seem to concern him the slightest. Now maybe one could say that's kind of a nice break from the boring old same-same but i am not happy. I want to lose this Weirdo or least know who he is. He told me that he is calling from a throwaway Phone registered in some bozos name so making a report likely won't do much. It's so fucking weird. I just don't get it. Why would he do something like this? Did anyone ever have a similar experience? I don't even understand who he does it. He told me that he has a wife and 3 kids. Aren't they going to ask questions if he is driving around in taxis all day following some random guy? It's just so fucking bizarre. If he didn't have all these details i'd probably just have hung up on him but like this? I really don't want to piss him off. Has anyone maybe heard of him before? Like in a news report or something? A guy like this has to have stuck out at some point. At least i somewhat hope so because i really need to know who this goddamned ernesto gombar is. He is making me really nervous...

2 2021-10-18 23:49

When i was in highschool i had a stalker. Nowhere near as persistent or scary as what you are describing. Feeling watched all the time is a very nauseating feeling. At some point i confronted him about it. He didn't say anything. Just mumbled something for a second and ran away. Haven't seen him since. Not going to help you, i know, but maybe it makes you feel a little better that you aren't the only one who experienced something like this.

3 2021-10-19 02:22

I've been gangstalked.



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