[ prog / sol / mona ]


the voices are getting louder

1 2021-10-08 02:34
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2 2021-10-08 03:37
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3 2021-10-08 13:05

sometimes I think louder just to see how loud i can think. can't really think very loud. i wonder how quiet I can think?

4 2021-10-08 18:16
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5 2021-10-08 22:16

How do people make these kinds of ASCII art? Is it all drawn manually in a plain text editor?

6 2021-10-08 22:24

You can scan it in, but there are some artists out there

7 2021-10-09 04:10
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8 2021-10-09 16:37
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9 2021-10-09 18:33

the internet is going to save humanity, non-ironically

10 2021-10-12 22:46

the internet has already ruined humanity
holy shit is that a chair made out of ascii characters?!!

11 2021-10-13 17:01

What has the internet done?

12 2021-10-13 17:46

global tubenet make pp galactic

13 2021-10-15 01:36

gb2 lainchan.org

14 2021-10-15 14:02

Unless the vaccine mandates in the US break it.



do not edit these