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"Rogue" video game

1 2021-10-02 01:46

I hear a lot about this "Rogue" video game and other "Rogue-like" games. What is it about? Is it of any relevance today, or is it just retro-gaming? Do these games teach any transferable skills?

2 2021-10-02 02:38

I never liked them.

3 2021-10-02 02:39 *

I played Realm of the Mad God pretty frequently when I was in middle school, it was great fun! Regarding transferable skills far-transfer doesn't exist, but near-transfer does, so you'd like get better at playing similar video games, and perhaps video games in general.

4 2021-10-02 03:12

Perhaps learning Rogue can help you understand the "Rog-O-Matic" expert system.

5 2021-10-02 05:10 *

Generally speaking, any skill you learn by playing a video game is not highly applicable in real life.

6 2021-10-02 06:03

In that case, video games are a waste of time. Games are a drain on human productivity. Games are harmful for human life. Humans should stop playing games. Games should be banned. For a better tomorrow.

7 2021-10-02 07:12

I don't accept the opinion that humans are simple robots that function simply when you feed them and take care of human waste. Humans are emotional creatures that have daily mental limits for the application of productive work. I hold the opinion of humans that are `homo ludens` meaning humans have evolved over time to perform a very wide field that is known as `ludere` or `play`.

8 2021-10-02 08:42

They are like Diablo but played in the terminal and with keyboard only. Usually it's a fantasy setting, you have a hero and you must climb deeper and deeper in a dungeon, massacring various monsters and collecting untold treasures.

What about turn-based strategy games? Will they improve strategic thinking?

9 2021-10-02 09:54

What kind of turn based strategy game? Freeciv?

10 2021-10-02 15:13

i've met people that don't play games. drug addict.
games: my anti drug.

11 2021-10-02 15:44

The only games I play are sudoku and SuperTuxKart.

12 2021-10-03 09:27

What skills did you gain from playing Sudoku and SuperTuxKart? Have those skills made you more employable? Did you manage to get a salary increase with those skills? I have played SuperTuxKart before, but I don't really see the practical use of that game.

13 2021-10-03 14:51

Rogue is the easiest to compile.
Once I got to a certain age (and a certain level in Nethack) I realized some of the real life advice my father was giving me may have come from his Nethack addiction.

14 2021-10-03 15:02

Could you share some of your father's life advice that may have come from Nethack? Just curious ...

15 2022-02-18 22:36

SuperTuxKart trains you to control your frustrations when you take the turn on the spaceship too narrowly and it does not register you as passing and you have to repeat the lap.

16 2022-02-19 13:14

Different person, but Angband teaches you that every turn you take in the game is a chance to be killed by something unexpected. This means choosing your own battles and always acting with frugality and purpose to achieve the next goal. The dungeon can remain dangerous longer than you can remain mindful and present.

17 2022-02-19 15:03

I once played some rogue-like and got a cursed ring that I couldn't take off and it would just randomly teleport me around until I died. That taught me a lesson for sure.

18 2022-02-19 17:07

Beware dungeons bearing gifts.

19 2022-03-31 21:37

My call-sign is ROGUE ONE

20 2022-04-01 10:36

Still, video games are a waste of time and emotions.

21 2022-04-02 01:47

A waste of emotions? Care to elaborate?

22 2022-04-02 09:55

Do the shin-Shoryuken…

23 2022-04-02 16:34

These emotions are fake, superficial and gone when the game is over.

24 2022-04-02 18:01

Do you hold the same opinion for all forms of fiction?

25 2022-04-02 18:32

Poetry seems cool I wish I was intelligent enough to understand it.

26 2022-04-02 18:41

>>25 I wish I was intelligent enough to make any artistic notion that actually matters.

27 2022-04-02 19:37

You are, read this: https://files.libcom.org/files/jacques-ranciere-the-ignorant-schoolmaster-five-lessons-in-intellectual-emancipation-2.pdf

28 2022-04-03 07:43

...The only type of video-games worth playing are art-games.

29 2022-04-05 11:39

But video-games are not art - walter ling @ hushmail

30 2022-04-05 13:58

Skinner box creation is both a science and an art.

31 2022-04-05 14:10


32 2022-07-19 10:58

Art is in the eye of the beholder

33 2022-07-19 13:59

these dubs are art

34 2022-07-19 19:15

art is shit. i only want a statement of impotence and frustration expressed through violence.

35 2022-07-19 20:45

art is in the eye of the bee holder

36 2022-07-20 04:12

bees are in the eyes of the art holder.

37 2022-07-20 04:29

holder is in the art of the bees eye

38 2022-07-20 16:16

the eye holder is the art of bees

39 2022-07-20 16:52

holy this. this soo much this. zomg

40 2024-04-16 08:44

I like Angband. It's easier than Nethack imo. You don't need to know anything about LOTR to be able to enjoy it. In Angband, Every level (minus the town) is randomly generated but levels don't persist, meaning you will always get a new level when you go up/down. I recommend you read the official docs: https://angband.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html
(or watch a walkthrough)

In the character creating screen, you can press = to change some settings. I recommend that you make everything sell for 0 gold because the game will then generate more valuable gold drops and you don't need to go to the town so often. There are also other options but you don't need to change them.

Other games worth trying:
* Nethack/Slash 'Em/UnNetHack/Vulture's Eye (isometric gfx)
* Elona+
* Demon (A Monster Collection Roguelike)
* DoomRL (easy for beginners)
* Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
* Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup
* Dwarf Fortress (adventure mode?), I recommend getting tileset or using LinuxDwarfPack.

41 2024-04-20 21:00

It's definitely not any more retro than platformers are. Rouge was one of the first computer video games though so the play style was designed for VTEs (the authors went on to write curses, a popular VTE GUI library) and doesn't really need much beyond that.

Pokemon Dungeons (I think that's the name) was a rouge-like from Nintendo for the NDS and was played in a a cell playfield just like the other rougelikes. I guess it helps that Pokemon was a GB game and the hardware was meant for that kind of thing so most of the fanbase is used to it.

But yeah I wouldn't call rouge-likes retro anymore than Mario or Pokemon is. Rouge itself maybe, it's very primitive. Nethack is still developed though and new rouge-likes are still written.

It's a very distinct game genre that focuses on careful thought and strategy but also has RPG elements. You really should try one if you haven't. I wasn't really allowed to play Nethack when I was a kid due to the "witchcraft" thing but got into it as a teenager. It's a very good game and will fit nicely in your tmux session.



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