Coming soon to a textboard near you!
For those familiar with John McCarthy's work on Lisp, the textsynth tool is just what the name implies: it uses McCarthy's old text-synthesis program, and applies it to the output of the original Lisp interpreter. The textboard should use the output as-is; in other words, McCarthy's work will print out the source code for this new version of Lisp!
This project was brought to my attention by a reader (thanks Matt) and will hopefully be completed within the next month. I hope to have it released publicly before Christmas.
The textbox is a Lisp interpreter, the textbox, that is. It is a new implementation of the Lisp box: a Lisp-machine emulator that executes a Lisp interpreter written by John McCarthy, in which it runs a new text-to-speech tool (textsynth).
This is by no means complete: it doesn't support the LISP machine's native LISP 1.