[ prog / sol / mona ]


depressed anons and you

1 2019-10-04 21:00

Some of these people are really struggling with depression or other undesirable mental/emotional/brain states (assuming the posts are made by humans and not some software).

Realistically there's nothing I can do to help these people so I guess I will just ignore (as best I can) posts about wanting to die, etc.

But I wonder what it says about me that I prefer online communities where these kinds of posts are common. I am not myself wanting to die, taking any drugs for other than recreational purposes, or feeling especially bad about my life.

I am also not seeking taboo content like videos of people dying, illegal pornography, speech that attacks a person or a group on the basis of protected attributes, etc.

I just like anonimity (or a rough approximation of it -- I am using this site on clearweb and not trying to obscure my ip from the site, my ISP, or anything like that). But maybe the decision to value anonymity enough to use a social site where Suicidal Content (seemingly the term of art? https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/305410456169423?_fb_noscript=1) is allowed is a decision that itself makes me a nasty freak?

But I don't think so...

Would Suicidal Content be equally common on mainstream social sites absent moderation systems?

2 2019-10-04 21:01

pardon my spelling errors -OP

3 2019-10-05 12:50

When I'm having a depressive episode, I definitely like to be invisible. Anonymous boards allow one to be invisible but also be heard, perhaps that's why depressed people are drawn to them.

4 2019-10-05 14:46

Depressive statements would almost certainly be less common on sites that associate your identity. Probably not by a wide margin however, as I've observed people saying "Suicidal Content" with all forms communication. Some people have no filter, and truly have shitty lives. It's good to try to encourage them towards positivity, but usually futile. They can only change their outlook on life by their own effort. However, people can offer them the hope thats needed for them to want to try.

5 2021-07-18 06:40

Stop browsing social media like instagram

6 2021-07-18 08:19

Conversely, what kind of society reacts to suicidal posts with criminalizing the poster and censoring the content?
One that values appearances over human lives?

7 2021-07-18 13:45

I'm generally against social media like Instagram and reddit but hadn't thought of that. That's a very good point.

8 2021-07-18 14:59

I think Google SWAT you if your search results show suicidal tendencies.



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