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Ugly bad guys

1 2021-08-19 07:10

Bad guys being depicted as ugly never made sense to me. Wouldn't a good person put helping others before looking attractive and satisfying their own libido?

2 2021-08-19 14:26 *

This is probably a remnant of honor culture when being good is equivalent to being held in high esteem of one's community. This is also likely the only sense in which morality is real.

3 2021-08-19 15:34

Morality is absolute. I need not remind you that might makes right, and no one is mightier than YHWH.

4 2021-08-19 15:56

A lot of cartoon masterminds and villains are depicted as having very good style (Team Rocket in Pokemon is a good example.) Megamind even mocks the trope. This matches the masterminds of real life who are typically CEOs and fairly attractive (don't tell me Bill Gate's sweaters don't turn you on.)

The simpler bad guys, the henchmen and hoodlums, tend to be ugly because they didn't plan to be bad guys but work out of desperation due to the rest of their lives being a mess.

5 2021-08-19 16:30

there is a lot to be said for a good henchman.



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