Doing good for the sake of one's belief in goodness is the most delicious insane tragedy, because we are so past critical mass to do any good. Organized resistance is futile, and everything else is pretty much analyzed at this point anyway. Bring on the transformation of the human race.
But when you do good, when you act out your faith in goodness, not knowing what may come- this is all fine, wonderful, absurd, and commendable.
When you stand before the throne of God and all things are weighed and measured, you will want your own heart to be after His own, that made all and knows all. You want favor, because favor from God and the love in His heart for you are the greatest treasures you will ever know.
I say, how do we do good? Who do we help?
I give the established charities and go out of my way to help those close to me, be they friend or foe. I see no harm in it.