[ prog / sol / mona ]


i feel nauseating nostalgia for places and times i've never experienced

1 2021-07-25 06:55

i feel nauseating nostalgia for places and times i've never experienced

2 2021-07-25 07:14

member when america was great?

3 2021-07-25 07:21

when was that?

4 2021-07-26 13:22

There was good progress made between the Civil War and World War I. But by the early seventies it seems like in just about any measure of significance the country had completely stagnated if not started to regress. Health, education, and manufacturing began to decline much earlier.

5 2021-07-26 13:25

I'd argue it's due to complex credit based financial instruments which allowed creditors to own everything in the country giving them absolute power despite market corrections.

6 2021-07-26 14:03

The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows coined the term "anemoia" for that.

7 2021-07-26 15:20

It's unfortunately more complex than this, much of the decline in education seems to be due to ideology rather than funding for example (the latter consistently improving). Likewise it seems that health is more of a product of culture and access, than of financialization (although manipulation of dietary recommendations no doubt played a role here). Another important aspect for example was ``The New Freedom'' of Woodrow Wilson which ended the long-standing tariff policy of the US and the creation of the federal reserve which through systematized inflation allowed for exploitation of ``sticky wages'' to artificially deflate wages. Unfortunately, the decline of this country is overdetermined so there is no singular aspect which we can rebel against with all our force.



How are you supposed to pronounce this?

8 2021-07-26 16:41

the way you write feels to me antithetical to the feeling i attempted to express. so you didn't understand it. this is not a yearn for a society. it's a yearn perhaps for places, people, experiences and feelings. these things which you don't understand, but know definitely is forever beyond your reach. the lives you never lived.

9 2021-07-26 17:40

Ah, that's very interesting. I imagine these aren't the places, people, experiences, and feelings you find in the pages of histories or biographies either since you don't find yourself able to understand them. Unfortunately, this is as close as I can find myself to your feeling. Perhaps someone else here will have something interesting to say regarding this. I hope they arrive sometime soon.



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