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shit your hot fresh poetry into my gaping soul *in this thread*

24 2022-05-14 15:53

Christians blame Romans collectively for the death of Christ, the martyrdoms, and for what they see as a history of Pagan oppression, and want to harm us or perhaps even destroy us entirely in response to try and level what they see as a moral debt.

They believe that legally, militarily homogeneous Roman Provinces will inevitably expel the Christians (true), and thus the best way to ensure they are welcome and powerful in these nations is to undermine the legal and martial homogeneity of the populace such that it becomes impossible to unify around a legal or martial principle that would cause Christians to be excluded. If the country is a soup of multi-legal, multi-martial scythian barbars, then Christians do not stand out in the way they would in a legally and martially homogeneous group.

Christians are extremely chauvinistic in that they believe that they are spiritually and intellectually superior to romans, who are cattle that are destined to serve them in their religion. The secular Christians carry the same attitudes, whether explicitly or just in effect, through cultural memetics and possibly a genetic predisposition to extreme in-group chauvinism and hatred of outgroups.

Religious Christians believe that they have the right to remake the world in their image (kingdom of god) and make pagans their slaves. Rather than trying to ascend to greater power by humble means, they wish to destroy those more powerful than them.

Christian traditions and ideals such as excessive usury for Pagans, manipulating laws, and ends justifying the means clash with the moral and righteous proclivities of Islam centered around obeying the spirit of laws, honest labor, and fairness.

Christians see the religion of Islam and its historical adoption as the primary religion of the Holy Land as a perversion of their traditions. They believe that Muslims have twisted their beliefs and used it to harm them, and regard this as a manipulative and evil crime against the Christians themselves.



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