[ prog / sol / mona ]


Contact list in your phone

1 2021-07-12 19:34

When you've managed to farm a few dozens phone numbers but you don't care for any of them and they don't care for you. They're merely trophy phone numbers.

2 2021-07-12 20:10

i don't have to make a comment about social alienation on textboard.org i presume.

3 2021-07-12 21:05

I tried. I had to meet these people and get their numbers but now what? 74 useless phone numbers. I only communicate through anonymous posting and I'm banned from 4chan.

4 2021-07-13 00:31 *

You can use jmp.chat to send messages to them via xmpp, which you can self host.
The real question is what to send.

5 2021-07-30 15:11

Down to 13 contacts after changing phone and syncing manually.

6 2021-07-30 15:22

Mum, Dad, Sis, Sis, cousin, auntie, that old Polish man I introduced to Linux, 3 dudes from Internet and that waifu girl I stalked whose number I’m not supposed to have but it makes me feel good to have it. That girl who studies philosophy and calls me sometimes when she need a service and the voicemail number which I keep forgetting because I barely use it. That’s it.

7 2021-07-30 20:19

23, after deleting a few from old jobs while updating my resume yesterday. Three are from my current job, 11 are family (1 of whom is senile), three more are former coworkers and the rest are old neighbors whose numbers I keep around for ID purposes in case they call.

In the last year, I have made 282 calls for a total of 5.5 hours. I'm glad I don't pay much for service.

8 2021-07-30 23:13

most of the phone numbers in my contacts are just there to block their numbers. i like being alone. like tupac, "i aint got no mothafuckin' friends"



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