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22 2022-05-05 08:02

Recipe: Gordon Ramsay’s Super Fast, Super Green Summery Pasta Dish
It’s got nuts for crunch, and parmesan and anchovy for salty goodness. You can add more veggies if you want, or omit a couple ingredients to make it vego or vegan.

All the recipes in the latest cookbook by British chef Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay in 10, are quick and easy. This summery pasta dish has a handful of easy-to-obtain ingredients, all of which don’t require very much prep, and cooking time is about 15 minutes.

It’s also, writes Ramsay in the recipe’s introduction, “a really easy way to boost your intake of cruciferous greens”.

The cruciferous greens in here are kale and rocket. Other veggies in that family include cabbage, chard, cauliflower, broccoli, bok choy and brussels sprouts. These are highly nourishing ingredients that are low in calories but high in fibre.

“You could add broccoli or spinach to make it even more nutritious,” says Ramsay, “and use wholewheat pasta, if you have more time.”

As well as bolstering it with additional veggies, if you want to make it vegetarian, Ramsay says don’t add the anchovies. If you’re vegan, also omit parmesan. If you wanted to serve it with a fresh side, he suggests a tomato salad – which will look vibrant next to this verdant pasta dish. Or, like the photo here, throw some red lettuce leaves in a bowl with radicchio.

Super green pasta with rocket, almonds and lemon
Serves 4
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes

4 tbsp olive oil, plus extra for drizzling
3 garlic cloves, peeled and finely sliced
2 anchovy fillets (optional, leave out if cooking vegetarian)
250g kale, chopped
500g fresh pasta (any type)
1 lemon
6 tbsp parmesan cheese or vegan equivalent, freshly grated
2 large handfuls of rocket
60g roasted almonds, roughly chopped
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

Fill the kettle with water and bring to the boil, then pour into a large saucepan, season with salt and return to the boil. Place another large saucepan over a medium heat and add the olive oil.

Add the garlic to the oil and cook for 2 minutes, until lightly coloured. Add the anchovies (if using) and break them down with a wooden spoon. Add the kale to the pan, along with a spoonful of the boiling water, cover with a lid and steam for 3 minutes.

Put the pasta into the pan of boiling water and stir to separate. Cook per the packet instructions.

Remove the kale from the heat and, using a hand-held blender, blitz until smooth. Drain the pasta and add it to the kale along with the lemon zest, half the parmesan and some salt and pepper. Toss together.

Divide between four bowls and finish with the rocket, almonds, remaining parmesan and a drizzle of olive oil.



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