also test
Sol Invictus.
It means sun in Spanish.
I'm pretty sure it is "Solipsisms" (, which goes in the direction of >>4.
I mean, for as far as our experience, the self is all we'll ever truly know- our sense being basically some sort of hideous chemical illusion that grossly misinterprets what is as big tittied horse headed women.
That's wild.
/sol/ e mar
When I was a child and/or young teenager I regret peeing in a pool (or, what is more likely, multiple pools) located on Earth, a plant which orbits a star known as /Sol/.
sol means sun in Old English.
To clarify, as an adult (what I am now), looking back into my past life history I regret that I ever peed in a pool.
invictus = Latin, adj. (1) unconquered, unsubdued (2) invincible, undisputed, undefeated