[ prog / sol / mona ]



37 2020-04-27 19:03

eGirls, eCitizens is a landmark work that explores the many forces that shape girls’ and young women’s experiences of privacy, identity, and equality in our digitally networked society.


38 2020-04-28 04:35 *


While some feminist scholars worried that digital communications technologies might represent the latest examples of patriarchal technological control,³ others predicted that girls and young women were particularly well situated to reap the benefits of digitized communications networks.⁴ Some feminist cyber-optimists metaphorically imagined the possibility of using the network to subvert patriarchy entirely.⁵

4 - Michele White, “Too Close to See: Men, Women, and Webcams” New Media & Society 5:1 (2003): 7; Hille Koskela, “Webcams, TV Shows and Mobile Phones: Empowering Exhibitionism,” Surveillance and Society 2:3 (2004): 199; Sadie Plant, “On the Matrix: Cyberfeminist Simulations,” in Cultures of Internet: Virtual Spaces, Real Histories, Living Bodies, ed. Rob Shields (London: SAGE, 1996), 170; Donna Haraway, “A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century,” in Simians, Cyborgs and Women: The Reinvention of Nature, ed. Donna Haraway (New York: Routledge, 1991), 149.
5 - Plant, supra note 4.

I'm gonna need sauce on this.

* Michele White, "Too Close to See": https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/94cb/f3d0f0a98f0508600b8526ff531c9b0bfb93.pdf
* Hille Koskela, "Webcams, TV Shows and Mobile Phones: Empowering Exhibitionism": https://ojs.library.queensu.ca/index.php/surveillance-and-society/article/view/3374/3337
* Sadie Plant, "On the Matrix": https://uberty.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Sadie-Plant-On-the-Matrix-Cyberfeminist-Simulations.pdf
* Simians, Cyborgs and Women: The Reinvention of Nature : https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=6C2061E544015040D287642904A059C2

39 2020-04-28 06:11 *

Michele White, "Too Close to See": Icy You...Juicy Me
Kind of a tedious university work. It's only the cliché theory of empowerment repeated over and over, with a quote from Slavoj Žižek or Foucault here and there.

webcam: 190 occurences
empower*: 14 occurences
control: 26 occurences
wom*: 105 occurences
operator: 68 occurences

Interesting nonetheless as a historical account of the first ``women empowered webcam operators'' as it was published in 2003. I've never heard of JenniCam (1996) before.

Found this cool web page named "The Sonnets to JenniCam", a parody of Rilke's "The Sonnets to Orpheus." http://www.polyamory.org/~howard/Jenni/

A cam can do it. How do you expect
a man to squeeze on through the wire and follow?
His mind would split. Where eyeballs intersect,
you won't find any temple to Apollo.

True Seeing, as it teaches, isn't wanting,
isn't wooing Jenni just to win her hand;
no, Seeing's Being. For the cam, not daunting.
But when are we? When does it deign to scan

her heat and heart into our being-sight?
It isn't that you lust for her, not if
the surging juices crowd your loins - that trance,

a passing fancy, will not last the night.
To see in truth's a different view. A glyph.
A blur. A quiver in the cam. A glance.



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