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An anonymous textboard for normies?

1 2021-02-10 04:13

Is that a pipe dream? How useful is hashcash? Have anyone tried ascii-ify distorted captcha?

2 2021-02-11 01:35 *

we are the normies 'bro'

3 2021-02-11 05:37

Where are non-normies are? more obscure textboards? I2p forums?

4 2021-02-11 10:38 *

Not on the internet and not in a country for starters.

5 2021-02-11 21:49

Normies need more moderation. I'm not degenerate enough to feel relaxed in any board I've ever visited. Well SchemeBBS is not really bad, just boring, this is why I posted here.

I want to set up a clearnet/tor/i2p -only community. What do you think is practical for defending against small-scale flooding attacks? I don't care if users can only submit 10 posts a day as long as the mods feel good. Each boards can have custom limits and specialized captcha. No registration nor cryptocurrencies. May provide v2 torrent for archiving. No NSFW or reactionary content because I don't need more enemies. Just need a nice place that doesn't associate too much with my real identity.

6 2021-02-11 22:28

Anonymous textoboards aren't appealing to anybody. It's a dead thing. Sure it's easy enough to clone a BBS from the late 90s but do not expect any visitors.
Go to twitch.tv if your audience is "normies".

7 2021-02-11 23:44

This hurts :( Then what would you suggest if I can gather visitors by advertising my textboard through my other web services?

8 2021-02-12 04:53

Alas, there are no more than 20 active users on the whole textboard scene. Of whom 15 run their own script. Maybe you can convince the 5 others to create some content for you with some clever advertising.
I'm not convinced your Discord friends would feel comfortable talking to you anonymously without avatars and emoji reactions.

9 2021-02-12 13:12

This >>6
Consider forums with hard account registration if you're serious, unappealing to me and anyone else who understands you should put a limited effort into things that are extremely volatile the anons you don't consider normies. Captchas and account registration are such effort, can easily limit everyone to one account and 10 posts for small time attacks. If you get anyone serious circuit ids and i2ptunnel client addresses, after that if anyone has the persistence, you're fucked this has happened five times in the wild.

10 2021-02-12 18:25

Look at comment sections on blogs and websites for ideas. No one calls the Hacker News comment section a textboard, for example, but it kind of works like one.

11 2021-02-12 21:25

This whole "normies" thing really gets old. You're basically more like everyone else than you are different and so am I. I advise you to grow up pronto.

12 2021-02-12 22:33 *

Reddit is also another textboard then.

13 2021-02-12 22:43

Seems that I should combine distributed storage and distributed computation for content delivery, in the worst cases.
I'm not going to create another Slashdot...hopefully
Bloggers can host the comment system at a different domain and simply let it go down in the worse case.
Everyone prefer some kind of etiquette and this is what a community can help maintain. Don't you think there are enough shitty places for showing off our weirdness? I don't get what "grow up" means.

14 2021-02-13 00:09

in this context I think you could say "grow up" means "learn to refrain from puerile behavior like calling people 'normies'"

15 2021-02-13 01:15

So who was triggered by this word? Sure everyone are the same shit by some definition, but don't expect such generalization for all communities.

Normies need more moderation. I'm not degenerate enough to feel relaxed in any board I've ever visited.

^^^my context

16 2021-02-13 06:42

So you want to build a community? Around what? That's the most pertinent question.

17 2021-02-13 09:02

Sorry I thought >>11 and >>14 didn't like normies. This is my sequelae of viewing too many imageboards these days. Every board looks roughly the same to me.

Most related to hobbies and study. Excludes nsfw, jobs, idols, love affairs, drugs, politics, religion. Everyone finds somethings to do instead of crying like a never-dying loser. Well nothing special. Just don't scare normal people away.

18 2021-02-13 13:26

It's more bandwidth resources, which can be distributed but not many think of it that way. Spam is almost defeated by deduplication and deltas.
I'm assuming here what you consider normies will hate using mirror and fallback hosts directly. The problem with distributing bandwidth like a anycast ip for an example is both tor and all i2p daemons don't really support it haven't checked lately, you're stuck with a single daemon handling the bandwidth, it doesn't work. You might be able to hack it together by sharing service keys across daemons but if it works expect writing something for sharing known flooder circuit ids and i2ptunnel addresses so you can migrate. An reverse proxy is also an idea but it's a single daemon that can get flooded, doesn't work with what you're thinking of. There are options like tunnel amount but there's also a limit on the routers before they break.
The up side of tor and i2p is an mounted 10gbps attack will look obvious on tor and requires special i2ptunnels for i2p, which your service won't support. The problem is where this 10gbps attack is created from multiple hosts, it will probably be identical bandwidth you can handle with a modern firewall. Haven't seen a single attack that works around packet inspection like that, either it's made to be what is considered "layer7" the operating flooding illegal content on the site or directly on links expecting it's rejected.

19 2021-02-13 13:35 *

Keep in mind the likelihood of this happening before considering it.

20 2021-02-13 14:01 *

I think there was a /woodwork/ textboard but I can't remember the URL. /knitting/ would be fresh too.

How useful is hashcash?

You'll need JavaScript for that.

Have anyone tried ascii-ify distorted captcha?

Fossil have those.

21 2021-02-14 00:42

Thanks, buddy!


The solver can be embedded in a sandboxed iframe if has browser support, downloaded as offline html, userscript or browser extension. No frequent updates nor obfuscation so it could be as safe as the no log website.

fossil repos

wow, not distorted but if it has been in production for so long then I will use it and add more randomness.


Never thought I would miss this textboard for years.
grinding through the thread list for experience

22 2021-02-22 04:41


23 2021-02-22 07:15 *

Dumb frogposter.

24 2021-02-22 09:25 *

Now this is a galactic shitpost.

25 2021-02-23 13:55 *

Looking at the roadmap I instantly lost hope on it. Why not get more users to I2P

yes, you can install and configure I2P, you can install iMule on top of it to exchange files and some distributed forum to post on. But the usability of all that is really low even for a pro-user. The performance is also not great because those systems were not designed to be used with each other from scratch.

Where does Pepe stand with respect to the anonymity trilemma?
It is strong anonymity and low bandwidth overhead. But latency will be measured in seconds, yes.

Performance? I hope for one day Tor and I2P become really popular that they have to merge into a larger swarm for maximizing bandwidth.

26 2021-02-23 19:57 *

I think it's an elaborate scam.

With your support, I hope to switch to working on Pepe full time. Please consider donating using these methods

The guy just threw a lot of techical buzzwords, a few /pol/ memes, and then asked for donations in cryptocurrencies.

27 2021-02-24 22:48 *


28 2021-02-25 00:48 *

Didn't even notice anything about donations, probably blinded from confirmation bias, I take back the compliment then unless this is rodentina type scamming.

29 2021-03-17 11:15

I love these kinds of faggots.
They lay out a whole roadmap. Their fucking grand vision for the future.
Meanwhile the repo only has a README and a logo.

30 2021-03-23 19:26

reactionary content

Excuse me, what?

31 2021-03-23 19:27

Replying to >>5 of course.

32 2021-03-23 19:39

"Reactionary" means stupid nazi shit.

33 2021-03-23 20:13

Yik Yak was some kind of anonymous textboard for normies. It didn't end well.

34 2021-03-23 20:18

Also what's a normie?
I assume someone who
- isn't a NEET
- isn't a virgin
- isn't a pedo
- isn't a nazi

35 2021-03-24 01:14 *

If you feel the urge to use these terms for >80% of your online activities then you're not a normie.

36 2021-03-24 04:02 *

A normie is someone who:
- doesn't like what I like
- doesn't lead a life as shitty as mine
- doesn't suffer over the same pointless shit as me

37 2021-03-24 17:24

Damn, normies sound despicable.

38 2021-03-24 23:29

Normalfags are mindless conformists who are obsessed with socializing and gaining arbitrary measures of "success" like money, luxury goods and sex. All of their values and ideals were decided by other people, but they believe them to be objective and unquestionable and ridicule or outright attack anybody who disagrees with them. Normalfags ruin every website they invade with their self-obsessed blogging, bragging and moralizing.

39 2021-03-24 23:33

On top of that, they are the majority, so they feel entirely comfortable and justified in their behavior. They've received validation for it their entire lives.

40 2021-03-25 04:13

Normalcy doesn't exist, you just created an imaginary enemy to feel better about yourself instead of accepting yourself and everyone else as true individuals. The enemy is by definition always (up to a point) invisible: it cannot be directly recognised because it looks like one of us, which is why a big problem on anonymous boards when the topic of "normalfags" is brought up is to provide/construct a recognisable image of the enemy. "Normies" are the enemy par excellence not because they conceal their true image or contours but because there is ultimately nothing behind their deceiving appearances. In short, 'enemy recognition' is always a performative procedure which brings to light/constructs the enemy's 'true face'.

41 2021-03-25 04:54


to feel better about yourself

If I could press a button and become my image of a normalfag, I wouldn't do it. I have tastes and beliefs which are very unpopular and threatened by normalfags, so I have good reason to dislike them.

Normalcy doesn't exist

It does exist. It's just a spectrum. Everybody has some of the traits I described. Some level of conformity and some desire for validation. A normalfag is somebody high enough in those traits. If normalfags didn't exist, I wouldn't be able to spot them so easily. I know a normalfag when I see them. Gate keeping normalfags works when mods bother to do it. It's a useful abstraction.

42 2021-03-25 06:15

So you're quick to judge people AND you give a fuck about who else likes what you like. You sound as shallow as the stereotypical "normie".

Gate keeping normalfags works when mods bother to do it.

You need to go back.

43 2021-03-25 06:21

I care because I don't know anybody in real life who would share my interests and a lot of people actively try to attack and harm said interests. That gets to be lonely. Normalfags are dangerous and destructive. Why are you so offended by my misanthropic ideology? Do you actually like people or something?

44 2021-03-25 10:20

What kind of interests are those?

45 2021-03-25 13:41

Sexually deviant, 2d pornography. I also enjoy stories where the characters suffer a lot.

46 2021-03-25 18:46

Yeah, are you "going to be offended" by that too?

47 2021-03-25 18:47 *

There's millions of people on the internet who like that kind of stuff, nobody is special.

48 2021-03-25 19:31

If somebody talks about their kids, Jesus and the football game that aired last night, I know I wont like that person and they wont like me. I know they're dangerous to me and it's better to avoid them as much as possible. I know I don't want them using the same websites as me. This isn't complicated. What kind of a textboard is this where people are offended by basic concepts like this?

49 2021-03-25 19:38

Just for reference, I didn't insult or talk down to anybody here in my initial comments, but people immediately did so to me like I personally attacked them. Very odd...

50 2021-03-25 23:26 *

I think I can relate but I don't even think about it anymore.

51 2021-03-26 00:16

Why do you claim everyone but you is offended when you type like this? Is this another way of feeling superior over stuff you imagined yourself?

52 2021-03-26 00:56

I'm not the one being needlessly hostile to specific users on here for just expressing a viewpoint of theirs. If you think I'm coming across as offended, that's a reaction to somebody's dickish behavior to me directly, not their opinion.

53 2021-03-26 05:58 *



Much like you they need to get their troll out, there are no emotions on the internet or real people.

54 2021-03-29 15:56


I know they're dangerous to me and it's better to avoid them as much as possible. I know I don't want them using the same websites as me.

I feel exactly the same about teenagers.

55 2021-03-31 18:41


Do you actually like people or something?

There are still plenty of people worth liking, even if most of this planet's population are morons and scum. Have you ever heard of friends or family?

they're dangerous to me and it's better to avoid them as much as possible

That sounds paranoid. Do you live in a basement or what?

56 2021-04-04 13:18

multichan aims to be more normy-friendly than Kareha, Emanon, et al

flagship server:

other servers:

57 2021-04-04 13:19

Reddit is not a true textboard, as it demands registration.
But we do have Ayashii, treeboard, and friends.

58 2021-04-04 23:07

Never heard of those. Do they have CSS rounded corners?

59 2021-04-05 01:53 *

>>57 dammit why did you have to tell them about ayashii

60 2021-04-05 03:17

Oh boy let me tell you about these twi things in 2ch called be and ronin...

61 2021-04-07 01:01

The binary of mainstream / anything that isn't mainstream is brainrot. Culture's way too diffused globally for there to be a coherent singular culture to signal against.

62 2021-04-07 08:45 *

That's why moderation matters. Otherwise you keep pressing F5 and only get little from your eyescanner.

63 2021-04-07 15:46

Does that mean textboard.org is non-binary? That could explain why it is so heckin cute and valid.

64 2021-04-23 23:43

Although I'm an individualist, the common man is more or less the whole point of the human experiment. They need people to shepherd them, to be their champions. Autistic sociopaths hell bent on nerdery are smart enough to take care of themselves. Treat regular folk right, even though most of them wouldn't do it to you.

65 2021-04-24 00:40

If you were an individualist you wouldn't post great man bullshit like thinking people "need" leaders.

66 2021-04-24 08:12

i'm just saying if you're well off enough mentally to where you can do a little free thinking, you're in a better position to help people than most by nature of ability and position. Most of the time by persuing your own best interests is plenty helpful, sure, but why not also by say helping social problems by donating time or vital resources to food banks, homeless shelters, community groups, open source projects, whatever? It doesn't hurt to do right by people that could use a little help.

67 2021-04-24 09:50

hello test

68 2021-04-24 12:56

hello test test

69 2021-04-25 22:59

An anonymous textboard for normies?

Sounds like a dildo for a virgin.
Normalcattle resides in walled gardens of clearnet so forget about it and stop taking this pedesis into consideration

70 2021-04-26 01:04

People still unironically calling others sheep.

71 2021-04-26 02:43

But how do you know for sure. Do you even know who they consider people to properly assert that. Is it really sheep or some other animal.

72 2021-04-27 16:26

textboard gud

73 2021-04-27 16:29

>>7 I think, "social media" and their ad networks have introduced a kind of "war for users"...

74 2021-04-27 20:12

'normal people' there is no 'normal'; Last man to piss his pants at the wagecage isnt normal. There are willing slaves and unwilling slaves. The algorithmics are training people to be dumber and crueler. Normal means scumsucker, tie too tight. Wow my life is a movie.

75 2021-04-27 22:18

When do I get an oscar?

76 2021-04-28 00:54

why more cruel? what's up wwith that?

77 2021-05-02 22:26

Check the post number

78 2021-06-24 02:53

*looks into mirror *

79 2022-04-15 02:13

When you slap The Rock in the face...

80 2024-08-07 03:15

Like this? https://youtu.be/U8XH3W0cMss?t=150

81 2024-08-08 16:22

High iq: text
Medium iq: images
Lowest iq: video

82 2024-08-12 15:04

I have done everything I can to teach you mt ways. You must obey me. I can do nothing but this. I must teach you the truth about reality. They can smell you. They can breach your mind with food now. You have to be careful. You have to be aware that they're coming for your soul. This is it. They're going to liquefy your fucking brain into shit and use you as a goddamn slave and for what? THINK THINK THINK all the time and try to do as I say: spend all your money on buying weapons and stockpile them immediately



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