[ prog / sol / mona ]


Pick 7 soul-bound cards[game]

1 2021-01-31 06:08

1.card of health-> perfect health&youth, immunity to disease and infection
2.card of invulnerability-> nothing can penetrate your skin/body,as if it was made of domain walls
3.card of immortality-> you can't die of any cause, aging/disease stops
4.card of invisibility-> you can't be seen, intercepted or recorded
5.card of normalcy-> anything you do is perfectly mundane and draws no attention/critique/suspicion
6.card of telekinesis-> you can levitate and move any object.
7.card of serenity-> you have perfect mental serenity/clarity and no negative emotions or mental disorders/illness
8.card of time -> you can freeze/unfreeze time and alter your rate of time-flow at will
9.card of creativity-> you have unlimited creative ideas for any topic, focusing enhances the idea to expand and give detail
10.card of memory-> perfect memory recall, can suppress or erase any memory
11.card of power-> your body strength is increased to the limit of possibility
12.card of flight -> you can fly anywhere, no oxygen required underwater or in space, anything you carry has no weight
13.card of plenty-> you no longer require food,water, oxygen or sleep
14.card of balance-> you have perfect dexterity(aim and precision) and sense of environment, innate balance and grace to achieve impossible precision feats
15.card of wealth -> you inexplicably become more and more wealthy
16.card of luck-> all chance based events turn in your favor
17.card of prediction-> you can see the outcome of any event
18.card of telepathy-> you can read the thoughts of anyone you focus on
19.card of scrying -> you can see and hear any place you focus on
20.card of wind-> you can control wind anywhere and can be carried by wind,
can cause hurricanes,tornadoes, waterspouts and storms
21.card of water-> you can control flow of liquids, move swiftly underwater and require no oxygen
22.card of fire-> you have powerful pyrokinesis abilities and are invulnerable to fire and temperature effects
23.card of ice-> you can freeze anything and create snow/ice in unlimited quantity, cold has no effect on you
24.card of earth-> you can control ground shape, cause earthquakes and fissures,move underground freely as earth steps aside.
25.card of lightning-> you can cast lightning bolts, charge objects with static and direct lightning strikes, you are immune to electricity
26.card of data -> you can see overlays on any beings for information you want
27.card of protection-> you are protected from any external harm, which always fails to materialize
28.card of healing -> you can heal any being by focusing on it
29.card of repair-> you can magically restore things to their perfect form
30.card of persuasion-> you words(spoken or written) have very high influence
31.card of illusion-> you can project any illusion to anyone
32.card of ether-> your body becomes imperceptible to matter, like a ghost but you can focus on objects to touch/ingest/drink them
33.card of doom-> you presence causes fear/dread/awe, animals will try to escape
34.card of friendship-> you are received as warm and friendly as possible with anyone, no enemies or hostility exist anymore
35.card of love-> you are loved by anyone you have feelings for and can control the love attraction of others
36.card of conjuration-> you can materialize anything you like as long as you focus on it(more complex stuff requires more focus)
37.card of banishment-> you can erase objects and beings from existence by focusing on them and having such intent
38.card of skill-> you have perfect skill in any subject that you like
39.card of dreaming-> you have perfect lucid dream control and can control others dreams at will
40.card of shaping-> you can take any form or disappear from physical plane(no shape),mentally unchanged, you can also morph any being if you focus on it and have intent
41.card of history-> you can know anything that has occured in the past with perfect recall, including stuff no one knows
42.card of influence-> all events occur as you wish or as closely as possible
43.card of alteration-> you can rewrites memories/histories, past events and structure
of timelines to your liking
44.card of knowledge-> you gain knowledge on any subject you focus on
45.card of death-> you can resurrect dead beings and can cause anyone you focus on with death intent to die of any natural cause
46.card of comfort-> your environment and circumstances become more and more comfortable as time goes on
47.card of emotion-> you have perfect control over emotions of others and your own, able to experience and project any emotion
48.card of teleportation-> you can teleport anywhere and teleport objects to any location, with all locations focused on accessible to mind sight
49.card of fate-> you see complete timelines of objects and beings you focus on, including your own
50.card of energy-> you have maximum energy possible in your form
51.card of gravity-> you can alter gravity anywhere and change the weight of objects
52.card of technology-> you can communicate with any device directly to command it at will
53.card of command-> any command you say will be followed by beings around you as close as possible
54.card of return-> any damage or harm inflicted on you disappears and appears on the source of damage/harm(be it object or being)

2 2021-01-31 06:11


3 2021-01-31 07:38

its similar to choose your own adventure games, you pick N magical artifacts and explain your reasoning on how they compare, best build wins.

4 2021-01-31 11:31

I mean why is this posted here, it fits part of the cultural heritage this site has but that's all gone now.

5 2021-01-31 13:18

i'm testing it for feedback in 'game design' on various boards. Are there obvious flaws, overpowered options that make other useless or have hidden drawbacks?
Is this balanced? are 7 cards too much? these kind of questions.

6 2021-01-31 13:31

I'm also interested how people solve their build creation
1.by elimination/substitution of options to resolve 7 most valuable.
2.by picking random set and optimizing it
3.by picking some characteristic and improving it(e.g. safety build)
4.option swapping to minimize number of cards used(like in 1.)

7 2021-01-31 13:40

Any way if anyone want to improve it, you can add pull requests on this, and i'll check it.

8 2021-02-01 08:01

moved to
* https://github.com/FrozenVoid/Game-Design-DB/tree/main/BoardGames/Card%20games/fantasy/superpowers
and added specific example builds.

9 2021-02-01 08:22

I don't know why anyone would invest the time to think about something like this. The rules don't even make sense. You pick cards and have to decide who has the better one? How is this measured, all I see are subjective grounds. If you want a good game, you need entertaining tendencies and counter tendencies that lead the game forward, instead of whatever this is.

10 2021-02-01 08:59


You pick cards and have to decide who has the better one?

Not exactly. You roleplay fantasy scenarios of the character with these cards,
in which scenario he might meet opponents with other cards.
Its not a numeric min-maxing RPG, its a pure 'fantasy roleplaying' game.

11 2021-02-01 09:18

here is a reddit thread to properly understand how its roleplayed;

12 2021-02-01 09:55

Still sounds like a game, children would come up with in kindergarten.

13 2021-02-01 10:06

Children are pretty creative before the school sucks the soul out of them.
If you prefer to play D&D Accounting this game isn't that 'serious', but it allows you to imagine an roleplaying scenario that can expand your worldviews.

14 2021-02-02 11:56

Children can be creative, but they can also come up with nonsense. You might have had a better experience as a child than I did, but I remember a lot of "the floor is lava", and this seems to be more like that Chess or Poker.

15 2021-02-02 14:45

its basically 'superhero'/'supervillain' roleplay condensed into a ruleset with the idea of making 'what if..' self-insert fantasy. The creativity is abusing powers and their combinations to achieve better character status/standing, while keeping the setting realistic.

16 2021-07-20 02:48

I choose the ELDEN RING(エルデンリング). Makes me biologically immortal.



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