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This board makes me nostalgic about the internet

1 2018-11-09 06:42

I don't want to go back in time, but I want the internet of the past to return.

2 2018-11-09 06:44

But yeah, good work. Very nice board.

3 2018-11-09 08:54

'member when only nerds where connected?

4 2018-11-12 13:07

Now everyone is connected.

5 2018-11-12 21:00

or rather disconnected, since they don't care about the internet, they feel nothing. They are just users, like raggy tampons, sucking up content but never giving anything bag. They are not connected, they feel nothing.

6 2018-11-13 02:31

Don't cry too hard for the internet; the real world is toast. I went to the corner store yesterday and bought rolling papers and they were all stuck together. Society will collapse soon.

7 2018-11-13 07:39

they were all stuck together

I would have been really pissed. Did you bring them back?

The world has always sucked, Internet was our escape before normal people invaded it.

8 2018-11-14 19:25

This is a neat board. Have my IP.

9 2018-11-15 09:28 *

Use the i2p if that's a concern: http://textboard.i2p

10 2019-10-05 12:24


More nostalgia: https://old.reddit.com/r/SpartanWeb/

11 2019-10-05 15:01

The average people didn't mess it up, companies like facebook & google did by turning it into an ad-driven data harvester. The idea that a service or website could be offered for free in exchange for viewing ads, it promotes violating your privacy so they can increase their chance to extract money from you. This also led to quantity over quality of content, and manipulation using behavioral science to cause internet addiction. All to serve you more damn ads.

12 2019-10-06 18:31

FBoo Amazoo and the big Goo - it all ads up to dulls-ville boringitus. A stick of soggy rhubarb is more stimulating.

(wither big-corp-internet)

13 2019-10-10 11:59

tfw you will never go back to the days when simple websites like this ruled the web.

14 2019-10-10 12:00

Seriously why can't we be more like japan.
Fuck all these bland """modern""" website designs.

15 2019-10-11 10:52

Internet was our escape before normal people invaded it.

The internet, though not our escape, still contains our escape. The problem is..
The internet used to be enclosed by a wall of technicality, which only the informaticists, intelligent persons who could and would try to learn to use enter the zone, and technicians, could penetrate. Even persons accessing the zone via their relations to сталкерs had to become technicians. Intelligent persons don't waste their time playing сталкер. Even the first time, most would be paid сталкер rates. Only wealthy idiots could afford that. They were, still are, and will always be, few. Now, that wall of technicality, though still extant, is impotent, because the job of the 'stalker' has been automated. Everyone and their grandmother has a pocket сталкер.
Don't so hastily blame it all on the obvious pernacity. Some gratis-software communities have a perverse ""advocacy"" policy, to be extremely stupid-friendly. It's understandable why one would want one's product to be user-friendly, hell, even luser-friendly. But ones community? Ones garden of intelligence stayed by walls of technicality necessary to efficient innovation? Why would they think it's a good idea to make the software developement luser-friendly?
Had such gratis-software communities not been so damn popular (and, of course they would be so damn popular: idiots abound, and everyone and their grandmother is attracted to profit, which gratis-software tends to (not explicitly, of course) promise), we would have at least had our gratis-software communities. At least we have some gratis-softwre communities that didn't erode their intelligence. Fitting how they call their free software merely "open-source".
And of course, we must rememeber,

simple websites like this


ruled the web.

Intelligent people, did. Now, instead of smart people, we have smart devices.
When they finally lock the last person out of all his web accounts, they win. We probably won't lose, because we'll have, by then, invented another, better system, and everyone, gradually, will assimilate themselves into that system. Let's not let that happen.

I don't want to go back in time, but I want the internet of the past to return.

Вперёд в прошдое, indeed. But don't confuse the parts of it that were really good, for their cause, which was really bad.

Fuck all these bland """modern""" website designs.

All hail this bland modernist website design, instead.

16 2019-10-11 10:53

why can't we be more like japan

the police state? Or the fantasy-land?

17 2019-10-11 16:25


we are virtually all stupid relative to a significant number of other people.

If you really are at the extreme tail of intelligence distribution then maybe you should get back to your pure math research or whatever instead of posting on here :p

Anyway, Tarkovsky rules

18 2019-11-26 23:18

I like this site because it reminds me of the inside of a newspaper. You have the front page, which is colorful and has big text everywhere (front facing internet), and then you have the insides which not everybody reads and is mostly colorless. The stories are probably less interesting but you find yourself reading through them anyway.

19 2021-06-28 09:42


20 2021-10-04 07:00


It's a combination of both. Without all those morons flocking to it FB and friends wouldn't have lasted a year.



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