I am speed
i2p sites should switch to Gemini protocol
gemini is overrated tranny soup. non-js html is good enough.
the problem has always been that no one coming to i2p stays with it, so sites just go away.
It's the new hipster protocol for retards that believe they're making improvements. Gopher was already bloated and needs less not an inbetween.
textboards are boring bruh theres a reason everyone moved on to imageboards
Textboards had their run in the 90s, imageboards late 90s to early 00s. Everyone moved on beyond the stars. What are you doing here with us failures and leftover bots?
Use it more often, tell others to use I2P, run i2p routers 24/7, that way you'll contribute to the speed of the network.
yeah it's overrated, i think gopher is better
Gemini is a way of concentrating the kind of people who like plain text in one little sandbox. Bit of a freakshow, but that's what makes it interesting to noodle around in there. kind of like /sol
its has potential beyond gopher ecosystem;
its low-resource, fast and easy to deploy.
Think of it like web0.5 with modern security.
what is gemini
text based twin gummy bears
Technology-wise, Gemini is a nice refresh of gopher.
TLS & links/mime are the only bigger changes, for understandable reasons.
Unfortunately solderpunk shilled it mostly within the tildesphere side of gopherspace which consists of commies/dykes/trannies (but I spoke with the guy and he himself seems aight).
Gemini's benefits are mostly moot on I2P, since encryption is the default there.
eanlib and anonroms went with gopher (for compatibility's sake, I guess), so I'd suggest I2P gopherholes instead.
gopherspace and gopher are relics of the past, they have too much limitations for building websites.
Gemini is like zero-bloat HTTP without modern cruft.
Gemini getting dunked on curl mailing list.
As a step 1 for this to get considered for inclusion in curl you need to submit this patch as a PR on github (so that all tests and CI jobs get to check it out),
Why have a mailing list if you are forced to use a proprietary web service anyway?
Why not create a /prog/ github and use issues as threads?
Mailing lists provide independent zone where microsoft can't censor or
deplatform you.
The latest update from 0.9.49 makes it faster, not sure if I'm just being prioritized for using this version.
fuck them, don't make software more bloat by jamming this half-assed project into it, they should shit on their own fork until that shit is ready for the public
Gemini needs to be dunked on but curl is already over bloat wise. Can't even matter what else is shoved into it.
Nah, I've seen torrent seeds go from 50k max to almost 300k max, it's incredible.
Though one thing - since I updated to 0.9.49 the router ran fine for a week and
then it just stopped liking making transit tunnels. My ratio usually stayed
somewhere around 1.0 and now it's more like 0.12. The network usage also
significantly diminished on the graphs. Anyone else have this problem?
Does the ratio matter if you get more speed?
I guess not?
Light-speed and beyond.