Though you can login with anonymous / anonymous if you want. I just created it for this purpose.
This works, was about to try that for fun. Site's community isn't my type of community so asking for others.
Still anonymous
Differentiating degrees of pseudoanonymity based on the amount of identifiable bits, any data that is consistent or a pattern is an attack surface including the text you type. That also means things like tls, cookies and "sessions" and your existential footprint, mine's huge.
New accounts everytime is different from same account a majority of the userbase logs into. One has personal patterns and solo stylometry, the other is generic with a plethora of stylometry.
Don't let it get to you, most anons aren't that serious coping with always inaccurate threat models, the grand scheme on a schemebbs for animate recursive cobras and anything practical is near impossible. Don't be an ass to those practicing, it will draw you in a bad light.
Better start making a big janitor team and implement deduplication, if you're serious about advertising ramble like this.