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Who here used to post on the 4chan textboards?

1 2020-10-11 22:46

I don't remember how I found them, but I remember being quite pleased when I did find them. They were where I first learned of SICP. I remember the pain of trying to get scheme running on my local machine, having no idea what I was doing. Then the incremental process of enlightenment as I worked through the chapters. I miss the challenges on the old board.

2 2020-10-13 02:05 *

m00t turned most of the old posters over to the feds

3 2020-10-13 18:49

I did, around 2013-14. Mainly /g/ at first, then /his/ later. Changed me as a person (daily bait threads make you a lot harder to irritate). I was on reddit a year earlier, and I'm sometimes ashamed to think what I would have ended up as if I had stayed.
I find both irritating now, but that's probably because I'm the oldest, not the youngest on the page anymore.

4 2020-10-14 05:26

Could you elaborate on that?

5 2020-10-14 06:38



6 2020-10-22 22:29

Based moot

7 2020-12-10 20:00

I distinctly remember the furget on /b/ in 2008 but definitely bounced around since then. /b/, /v/, /fit/, /g/

I always wondered whether or not moot's hiring at Google was some kind of FBI partnership

8 2020-12-11 04:15


Are people reading this?

9 2020-12-11 17:39

What exactly you want from 'people who posted on textboards'?
They weren't some mythical genius programmers or even decent people.
The textboards were filled with one liner posts and memes, plus
they brought 0 ad revenue to moot.

10 2020-12-11 22:33

Wasn't 4chan an imageboard, not a textboard?

11 2020-12-12 05:50

It was and still is an imageboard. There was a period where they had a few textboards running as well. I never saw them myself, but I remember that once in a while someone would wax nostalgic about the old 4chan textboards.

12 2020-12-12 07:13

my memory isn't that good, but did they cracked all of FrozenVoid's tripcodes or not? Can someone clear this up?

13 2020-12-12 08:05

Nope. Moot turned him over to the feds. Tripcodes are in the CFAA or something. 30 year maximum, but he only got seven.

14 2020-12-12 12:11

interesting, could you explain what tripcodes are in your opinion and why are they linked to CFAA?

15 2020-12-12 18:33

Nice "questions" Ivan, but your attack on our laws, our courts, and our democracy will not go unchallenged.

Post has been reported as misinformation.

16 2020-12-15 07:12

He means he forgot his meds.

17 2020-12-15 15:19 *

Tripcodes use class c crypto, even john the ripper supports cracking 4chan style tripcodes.

18 2020-12-17 08:30

I did. This guy named RedCream used to piss me off for no other reason than how frequently he posted.

19 2021-06-23 22:13


Are there still 4chan textboards (not imageboards)?

20 2021-06-24 06:07

No, they shut it down many years ago. And nothing of value was lost.

21 2021-06-26 00:18

weev started speaking in non-"meme" (are those actually... really like... memes?) language and I wanted to be cool like him.

22 2021-06-26 08:16 *

He was never cool.

23 2021-06-28 22:21

Better than leddit

24 2021-06-29 02:45

4chan was also where I learned about scheme.

25 2022-06-01 11:54

Are there any textboards that have a decent amount of users?!?

26 2022-06-01 13:48 *

You are on one.

27 2022-06-02 04:35

Modern social media websites are large psychology experiments. The HN article that you've linked also linked to this website:


Web developers are incredibly full of hubris.

28 2022-06-02 18:25

who here poasted on jpgboard.org? i heard it is ze kool place 2b

29 2022-06-03 09:37


30 2022-07-31 22:29

4ch text:

“Where are the morning buns?” I say out loud as I scan the display looking for their most famous pastry. “I heard them telling someone they were out,” says another customer to me, overhearing the conversation. Indeed they are.

Tartine Manufactory, San Francisco

Morning bun-less we take a seat at our table and our food arrives shortly later. Slices of country white sourdough come brushed with oil and lightly toasted-either plain or with za’atar. They bring this out with a pot of spiced quince jam that is gorgeously aromatic and not too sweet. We pair these with Bloody and Virgin Marys that are strong in celery salt.

Tartine Manufactory, San Francisco

Coddled eggs are served with a blanket of fresh chives. The yolks are gooey and I spread some onto my plain toast. Heaven.

Tartine Manufactory, San Francisco

Coddled Eggs $16USD

Tartine Manufactory, San Francisco

Smoked Salmon Tartine $15USD per serve

We are trying two types of tartines this morning and the first is a savoury one with smoked salmon, pickled onions, cream cheese and Meyer lemon zest. This is delicious, wholesome and simple.

Tartine Manufactory, San Francisco

Seasonal Tartine $12USD per serve

The other tartine is the fuyu persimmon tartine with almond butter, chopped roasted almonds, orange and a nice hit of anise from fresh tarragon. I love the use of persimmons on toast, a fruit I usually eat plain.

Tartine Manufactory, San Francisco

The pastries are next: there’s a chocolate babka pastry that has bitter chocolate. I think I’d like more sweetness or butter to this. While I really like the bread, the pastries are best taken home and then heated up.

Tartine Manufactory, San Francisco

Seasonal Fruit Muffin $5.25USD

The gluten free muffin is tasty and wholesome with almond flour, seasonal fruit and walnut crumble.

Tartine Manufactory, San Francisco

Seasonal Jam Bun $5USD

The jam topped custard brioche round is nice, sort of like a donut crossed with a brioche with the sugar sprinkle.

Tartine Manufactory, San Francisco

Savoury Scone $5.25USD

Out of the four pastries I like the cheese and chilli scone the best. It has pickled fresno chillies, white cheddar and chives.

Tartine Manufactory, San Francisco

Morning bun $4.25USD

As we get up to leave we hear the good news-they have morning buns! The morning buns are what Tartine is most famous for and has inspired a legion of copycats. I do remember them slightly differently. I remember a gooey-er bottom but I still feel like a victor having nabbed one of these.

31 2022-07-31 23:52

this site is extraordinarily more inviting. i feel like a escaped fugitive everytime i browsed there. always anxious to make my next offensive post and paranoid of my next upcoming ban.

32 2022-08-01 00:35


33 2022-08-01 00:41




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