Why are do spoilers (or more accurately <del></del> blocks) have a background-color of #200200 instead of #000000?
This makes spoiled text like this viewable without the need to mouse over just by standing up and looking at your monitor at an off angle.
I almost feel that this was intentional.
Sorry for the typos and awkward wording..
Long day, bit scattered.
Site owner doesn't like spoilers and is manipulating you into hating them. :^)
Was it fixed already? I cannot see the text and background color look any different from various angles on my monitor.
I can't see black on #200200 on my monitor either.
OP here, let me check.
Can confirm not fixed.
Part of me kind of likes it this way though.
This textboard has spoiler tags?
<DEL>Like this?</DEL>
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