Do what >>7 says, it's the easiest way.
Amazon Linux doesn't package mit-scheme (neither does CentOS I think)
The complete install below.
# install MIT Scheme binary
wget https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/mit-scheme/stable.pkg/9.2/mit-scheme-9.2-x86-64.tar.gz
tar xzvf mit-scheme-9.2-x86-64.tar.gz
mv mit-scheme-9.2 mit-scheme-9.2-binary
cd mit-scheme-9.2-binary/src
sudo make install
cd ../../
# Patch the source of MIT Scheme and reinstall the patched version
wget https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/mit-scheme/stable.pkg/9.2/mit-scheme-9.2.tar.gz
wget https://gitlab.com/naughtybits/schemebbs/-/raw/master/patch-runtime_http-syntax.scm
patch -p0 < patch-runtime_http-syntax.scm
cd mit-scheme-9.2/src
sudo make install
cd ../../
# run SchemeBBS
git clone https://github.com/alyssa-p-hacker/SchemeBBS.git
cd schemebbs
./create-boards.sh lolicon
./init.sh 8080
Then visit http://yourhost:8080/lolicon and make your first post.