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Installing SchemeBBS for the absolute beginner

22 2020-06-02 15:43

It's ok, just don't give up!

Don't forget to clone the github repo. I've repeated the steps to be sure and you should be all set up if you do this:

1. clone the repo and edit nginx.conf

git clone https://github.com/TeamWau/docker-schemebbs-nginx.git
cd docker-schemebbs-nginx
vi nginx.conf

Find those lines:

30    server {
31        listen 80;
32        server_name _; # Put your own domain here

That's where you'll input your domain name obviously. You can put any domain name, even if you don't own it if you edit /etc/hosts accordingly. Otherwise it will certaninly work on the domain localhost.

2.create your first boards, and launch the Docker image

./create-boards rockstacking travel tennis
export SBBS_DATADIR=/opt/bbs
docker run -p 80:80 --name sbbs -d -v "${SBBS_DATADIR}":/opt/schemebbs/data -v "$(pwd)"/nginx.conf:/opt/nginx/conf/nginx.conf erkin/schemebbs-nginx

You will probably need to run the last commands as root. (it's Docker's default install I think)



do not edit these