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Ben Bitdiddle calling

1 2024-10-28 05:05

I don't usually post here, I just check every so often to clean up the spam. I find it tiresome to write in english: it's not my mother tongue. Maybe I should write my mind and ask OpenAI to translate.
The Internet as I (we?) knew and loved it is all but dead. If I felt like talking to random strangers, I wouldn't even know where to go. Let's try here.

I am wondering if keeping the site running is really worth it. It feels the same as shit like https://www.ddial.com : useless nostalgia in the time of TikTok. I actually hate meme culture, reading the same thing over and over only angers me, but a sure sign that a community doesn't really exist is when it has failed to produce a single meme or recurring joke.

2 2024-10-28 17:31

Ni devas traduki R7RS-on al Esperanto, kaj esperantiĝi SchemeBBS-on ankaŭ. Tiel vi ne devus paroli angle.

3 2024-12-12 18:39


sina anpa
en li la

nena kama weka

4 2024-12-13 03:06

overpopulation. too many people = too many shills and too much spam. please, globohomo, vaccinate all natalists and prolifers until they stop twitching.

5 2024-12-13 08:35

The reason for the universal negativity evident today everywhere online is what is plain to all to see: the era of internet freedom is over. The era of internet slavery has arrived.


6 2024-12-13 10:11

we need another network, based on trust, like fidonet, otherwise government will spam it.

7 2024-12-13 18:33

lawa lon sina

sina nasa kijetesantakalu



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